Requestreg No:
Request Category:
As per the reply of the RTI No. NHRCM/R/2017/50126 and NHRCM/R/2017/50125, the applicant came to know the case with No. 7423/18/28/2016 was forwarded to the Ministry of Human Resources and Development, Govt. of India to take the appropriate action.
In this regard, the applicant wants to know the followings.
1. The letter from National Human Rights Commission was forwarded to MHRD on 30/11/2016 and directed to take the action within 8 weeks. The applicant has no information in this regard i.e. the action taken against it. Please furnish the details of the step taken.
2. The reason behind the non-communication of the applicant in this regard.
3. The daily progress made on the complaints case no. 7423/18/28/2016.
4. Reasons recorded for delay in taking action on the complaints.
5. Names and designations of the officials who have considered the complaints and the number of days it was lying with each official during this period.
6. Please provide copies of file noting indicating the consideration of the complaints from the date of receipt till date by the concerned officials.
7. A copy of the rules/ regulations/ orders/ citizen charter which lay down the timeline for disposal of matters.
The applicant is sending the reply copy from National Human Rights Commission.
Request Recvd Date:
Request Reply:
Reply attached.
Appealreg No:
As per the reply received of the RTI No. DOHED/R/2017/51714.
1. The applicant did not find the copy of the letter sent to MHRD from IIT Bhubaneswar although the letter was copied to the applicant. The applicant assume the letter sent to the MHRD or NHRC is not same as sent to the applicant as the enclosed copy of the letter was unsigned by any of the official of IIT Bhubaneswar.
The applicant is not informed on the following points as shouted in the RTI at all.
In this regard, the applicant is putting the shouted information once again as first appeal.
a) The actual date and content of the letter F. No. 14_12/2016_TS.1 from MHRD was sent to IIT Bhubaneswar.
As the copy received from IIT Bhubaneswar to the applicant addressing to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) reflecting the date of the letter F. No. 14_12/2016_TS.1 from MHRD is 18/01/2017. However the letter addressed to MHRD reflecting the date of issue of the same letter F. No. 14_12/2016_TS.1 from MHRD is 20/03/2017.
c) The daily progress made on the complaints case no. 7423/18/28/2016.
d) Reasons recorded for delay in taking action on the complaints lodged on 30/11/2016.
e) Names and designations of the officials who have considered the complaints and the number of days it was lying with each official during this period.
f) Please provide copies of file noting indicating the consideration of the complaints from the date of receipt till date by the concerned officials.
g) A copy of the rules/ regulations/ orders/ citizen charter which lay down the timeline for disposal of matters.
2. Below Items are for your kind information and consideration
a. As per section 6(3) of the RTI Act 2005, In case, the requested information is held by another public authority, I request the PIO or first appellate to transfer the application or part of it within FIVE days and immediately inform me about such transfer.
b. As per section 7(3) of the RTI Act 2005, In case, there are further fee required to provide the requested information, I request the PIO or the first appellate to inform me of the additional fee amount along with the calculations made to arrive at the amount.
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Appeal Reply:
Reply attached.