Requestreg No:
Request Category:
1) Please give the official twitter handle of the ministry.
2) Please give the date on which this twitter handle come into existence.
3) Please give the official facebook account id of the ministry.
4) Please give the date on which this account come into existence.
5) Please give the twitter handle of minister
6) Please give the date on which this twitter handle come into existence.
7) Has the ministry employed a firm/ private concern/ consultant to operate twitter handle of minister, twitter handle of ministry and facebook account. If yes, please provide the name.
8) When was the contract awarded to the firm/ private concern/ consultant for this purpose and for how long. Please provide the dates/ months and year.
9) Please provide a copy of the agreement or contract entered into.
10) Please provide the terms of reference for the firm/ private concern/ consultant for this purpose.
11) Please provide the financial amount in rupees for which the contract has been awarded.
12) Please provide names and designations of all members of the team that is handling this social media initiative of the ministry.
If this matter does not fall under your purview, please transfer it to the concerned public authority under Section 6 (3) of RTI Act.
Request Recvd Date:
Request Reply:
Please find attachment herewith.
Appealreg No:
Appeal Recvd Date:
Appeal Doc URL:
Appeal Reply: