Requestreg No:
I request you to provide answers to the following queries under RTI-2005 Act. The application is to seek information regarding letter ( F.No. 28-5/2012-TS-I, Govt. of India, MHRD, Deptt. Of Higher Education, Technical section-I) dated 26th November 2013, issued by Mr Alok Mishra (Director IIIT s) to Director of IIITDand M Kancheepuram with Subject Career Advancement scheme (CAS) clarification-reg. The above said letter was put before the honorable HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT CHENNAI, in the case W.A.Nos.2187 and 2188 of 2013. In the said case the honorable court said Respondent in his clarification letter dated 26.11.2013 has clearly stated that there is no provision for automatic movement or up gradation to higher grade merely on completion of certain years of service and it has to be done only on the recommendation of a duly constituted selection committee The above said letter was presented before the honorable high court as further explanation to para 3(ii) of MHRD directive (No.3-2712009-TS.11 Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource, Development ,Department of Higher Education, Technical Section-I1, New Delhi, 30th December, 2009). The directive dated 30.12.2009 was issued as a part of pay commission recommendations for CFTI s. Please provide the following information 1.If the above said letter dated 26.11.2013 was issued by Mr Alok Mishra on the basis of some committee recommendations. So, kindly provide a certified copy of the minutes of the same. 2. In case, no committee was constituted to amend MHRD directive dated 30.12.2009. Then, please quote the rule under Mr Alok Mishra (holding post of director at MHRD) issued the above said letter dated 26.11.2013 in order to amend on his own MHRD directive dated 30.12.2009.
Request Recvd Date:
Request Reply:
Reply attached.
Appealreg No:
I would like to file a complaint against information provided by CPIO of MHRD Mr Praveer Saxena to a RTI application dated 09.06.2015. Through my RTI application I sought information to only one query. The CPIO in his reply has stated that The requisite information sought by you is not available with the undersigned. Precise information is not provided, the reply is vague. The reply can be interpreted by me as 1. That, no Committee was constituted for the amendment of MHRD directive dated 30.12.2009. And, Mr Alok Mishra issued the letter dated 26th November 2013 on his own. 2. That, Mr Alok Mishra transgressed his power in issuance of letter dated 26th November 2013. 3. That, without any rule/assigned power, Mr Alok Mishra issued the letter dated 26th November 2013. And, thereby on his own amended MHRD directive dated 30.12.2009. I request you to please provide me the required information or confirm my above conclusion as the reply is completely vague. Under RTI act precise information has to be provided. Also, take appropriate action on the CPIO for providing vague information
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Appeal Reply:
Reply attached.