Requestreg No:
With reference to the letter No.25-2/2010-TS.II dated 30.09.2010 (enclosed) , it has been decided by MHRD to revise the Scholarship/Fellowship/Assistantship in AICTE approved and Centrally Funded Technical Institutions under the Ministry of Human Resource Development. According to notification issued , scholarship for Mtech people who have qualified GATE exam have been revised from 8000 to 12400 . Also according to the notification F.NO.l7-2/2014-TS.I (enclosed) dated 2.03.2015 by MHRD,the additional cost of the revision i.e 4400(12400-8000) will be met by the institute. I study in University of Hyderabad, a premier central institution of post graduate teaching and research in the country, but i am afraid to say that they failed to implement your notification. Institute ID is 1-1313769821 for scholarship disbursement .Since there is no supervision by MHRD on the institution, the institution is openly flouting the norms and not disbursing the scholarships of the students which compelled me to ask some questions regarding the implementation part for your notification . My questions for the same are : List of Name of Institutions under Ministry of Human Resource Development who have complied with MHRD F.NO.l7-2/2014-TS.I notification and thereby disbursed revised rates of scholarship in case of Mtech i.e Rs 12400/month from 1.12.2014. List of Name of Institutions under Ministry of Human Resource Development who have not complied with MHRD F.NO.l7-2/2014-TS.I notification and henceforth not disbursing revised scholarship for Mtech. Kindly state individual difficulty for each institution in implementing the same and how MHRD is pursuing them to expedite the matter. Last date by which every Institutions under Ministry of Human Resource Development will Implement MHRD notification F.NO.l7-2/2014-TS.I dated via 02.03.2015. If the Institute under MHRD does not disburse the scholarship then who should be held accountable and penalized for that, MHRD or the concern Institute. If the institute under MHRD says that the university does not have fund to disburse to student despite the notification from MHRD then what options are available to students to complain. Will MHRD provide legal assistance. How frequently have Ministry of Human Resource Development followed up with the Institutions in making sure that their notification F.NO.l7-2/2014-TS.I has been properly implemented in timely manner. Kindly enclose all communication for the same in your reply. Have much time Ministry of Human Resource Development gives to institutions for implementation of their notification . If the institute exceeds that time then what actions are taken against them. Last date by which MHRD will ensure that every Mtech student in University of Hyderbad will get revised stipend i.e. 12400/month.
Request Recvd Date:
Request Reply:
Reply attached.
Appealreg No:
I am being told that there is no documentary information available for questions raised by me. However as the notice is issued by Department of Department of Higher Education regarding the increase in fellowship for Mtech students from Rs 8000 to Rs 12400,they must have be having list of institutions who have adhered to their notice and applied the same to their institution. They also gave false reason that University of Hyderabad does not come under department of Higher education. However in their notice to the institution the subject line used is Revision of rates in AICTE funded and Centrally funded Technical institutions under the Ministry of Human Resource development. It is very much clear that University of Hyderabad comes under centrally funded technical institutions.Henceforth Director of Higher education must tell when students of University of Hyderabad will get hiked Mtech scholarship i.e Rs 12400.
Appeal Recvd Date: