Requestreg No:
As per the OM F.NO.l7-2/2014-TS.I issued on 02.03.2015 by Director of MHRD Mr. Alok Sharma, it is mentioned clearly that stipend for JRF is Rs. 25,000/- and for SRF is Rs. 28,000/- for both Science and Engineering , which means for first 2 years as JRF and next 3 years as SRF. So it is clearly shows that the stipend should be minimum for 5 years not exceeding that. For getting hike itself we struggled a lot where the ministry has not came forward by them self initially to resolve the issue. Moreover hike was implemented from October 2014 instead April 2014. Financial year starts on April 1st not on October 1st. Suddenly on 10.07.2015 another OM came issued by Mr. Prissa Mathew, Under Secretary to the Govt. of India, MHRD stating that stipend is only for 4 years though with M.Tech and Equivalent Qualifications. What is the value of the old OM generated by the Director of MHRD. What is the necessary to stop this extension of 5 years. why there is no equal hike in engineering and science background research scholars, where 55% for science only 40% for engineers. If equality should be there then it should be Rs. 28,000/- and Rs. 31,000/- respectively for engineers instead Rs. 25,000/- and Rs. 28,000/-. From where you people are referring something before implementing . Who is the higher authority in MHRD before issuing an OM. Is Mrs. Smrithi Irani really educated person. You people educated where to implement uneducated things like this. I need a proper circular issued regarding HRA for research scholars. what is the benefits you people are getting by playing with research scholars in India. Whether really we are doing research in India with you people in concern position. I guess both IITs and NITs comes under MHRD only will follow the same rule regarding HRA, TA/DA, Medical benefits and all.
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Request Reply:
Reply attached.
Appealreg No:
I am not satisfied with the reply. Please clarify the following: 1. What is the value of the OM (OM F.NO.l7-2/2014-TS.I issued on 02.03.2015) generated by the Director of MHRD. 2. Whether the OM ( F.NO.l7-2/2014-TS.I issued on 02.03.2015) by Mr. Alok Sharma, Director of MHRD is currently valid or not. 3. Who has the highest power of issuing OM in MHRD for fellowship hike. Directer or under secretary. 4. On 10.07.2015 an OM issued by Mr. Prissa Mathew, Under Secretary to the Govt. of India, MHRD stating that stipend is only for 4 years though with M.Tech and Equivalent Qualifications which contradicts with the OM (F.NO.l7-2/2014-TS.I on 02.03.2015) issued by the Director, MHRD. Which one is valid currently. 5. What is the period for JRF and SRF. 6. Compare to B.Tech/equivalent qualifications (5 years), the revised stipend amount is very low for M.Tech/equivalent qualified scholars (only 4 years). Why. 7. There is no clear information regarding HRA for research scholars in the OM. Please provide detailed circular/OM/explanations issued regarding HRA. 8. Whether the allowances like HRA, TA/DA, Medical benefits, etc are same for IITs and NITs. In this regard, please provide the concerned documents.
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