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Respected Sir, I am a GATE qualified student pursuing M.E in OSMANIA UNIVERSITY. According to Govt of India Ministry of HRD letter dated 18th February, 2015 notice reference no F.N0.17-2/2014-TS.I DATE OF EFFECT: The revision in emoluments comes into effect from 01.02.2015 for all categories of M.E (FROM 8000 per month TO 12400 per month ). as we,the students of OSMANIA UNIVERSITY are not receiving enhanced PG scholarship till now, we aggrieved and filed petitions to DIRECTORATE OF PUBLIC GRIEVANCES and to PRESIDENT SECRETARIAT HELPLINE.They forwarded those petitions to concerned authorities in DEPARTMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION I have also filed two RTIs to AICTE seeking information in delay of crediting enhanced PG scholarship,They gave a reply again and again saying STILL IT IS UNDER PROCESS. NOW PLEASE GIVE INFORMATION FOR THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. 1.what type of action has been taken on petition (Reg.No.PRSEC/E/2015/08716 ) received by you from PRESIDENT SECRETARIAT HELPLINE.If you did not take any action till now,please explain the exact reason for not taking action. 2.what type of action has been taken on petition (Reg.No.DPG/O/2015/80451) ) received by you from DIRECTORATE OF PUBLIC GRIEVANCES .If you did not take any action till now,please explain the exact reason for not taking action. 3.why your department is this much of slow.regarding crediting of enhanced scholarships to students 4.Had you enquired AICTE whether it is cediting enhanced PG scholarship to students or not. If you did not enquire till now,tell me the exact reason for not enquiring. 5.What type of action you have taken against AICTE as it took more than 6 months time and still is not crediting enhanced PG scholarship to students.If you did not take any action,tell me the exact reason for not taking action. 6.Is there any budget allocation problem from govt of India.If so please provide related information. 7.If there is no problem in budget allocation,then why this much of delay in crediting of enhanced PG scholarship to students under your supervision. please dont provide essay type answer ,answer every question exactly with reason.
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