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Dear Sir/Mam\nI want to know the following points\n1- I want to know the total number of Persons with disability registered as students in any school or college controlled by your ministry like Kendriya Vidyalaya, Navodaya and all other educational institutions etc \n\n2 - Is the ministry aware of all 21 types of disabilities if yes then does it has proper infrastructure and human resources (registered professionals with Rehabilitation Council of India to handle persons with disability ) to teach persons coming under any categories of disability \n\n3- Does the facilities/schools /Institutes/Organizations coming under your ministry have hundred percent disability friendly environment i.e. barrier-free environments for persons with disability or environment for persons with disability as per guidelines of Sugam Bharata Mission in no then what is the percentage you have achieved till now in making barrier-free environment for PWDs \n\n4 - Does your ministry provide any financial help monthly annually to the PWD students if yes then what is the amount.\n\n5 - How much rupee the ministry has spent on human resources (for specialist/professionals) to teach/help/handle PWD students in last and this financial year \n\n6- What is the complaint helpline or grievance redressal number and mail id for PWD sportspersons kindly also mention the name of officer and post. \n\n7 - Does the ministry is aware of the fact that only RCI registered special educators and other professionals can teach/handle children with special needs/children with disability/ PWDs , if yes has the ministry issued any guidelines/letter in this regard to all the states/departments coming under ministry jurisdiction so as to make it sure that the rule doesnt gets violated and sufficient human resource remains there to cater the need of PWD students, If yes please provide the guidelines letters \n\n8 - What is the total number of RCI registered professionals to teach PWD students in schools/colleges/universities coming under your ministry , how many of these human resources are contractual and how many are permanent and what is their salary structure.\n\n9 - How many posts are vacant overall which requires RCI registration coming under any organization/department of your ministry. \nThanks
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