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Information required as per Right To Information Act of GOI\nAs per attached Office Order No ESTT/34/2018 Dated 18.07.2018\n1. Please provide me copy of the approval of Board of Governors at its 189th meeting held on 16.04.2018 vide its memo no. MS/B-1(189)/2017/2950 dated 02.07.2018.\n2. Please allow me to inspect list of all non teaching employees(Group A, B C,D) including Deputy Registrars, Assistant Registrars, Scientific Officer, Programmer, Engineer etc. of IIT Kharagpur who claimed Air Fare while availing LTC, which was reimbursed by IIT Kharagpur, during year 2012 to 2017 along with the name of Air Lines by which they had travelled. \n3. Please allow me to inspect list of all non teaching employees(Group A, B C,D) including Deputy Registrars, Assistant Registrars, Scientific Officer, Programmer, Engineer etc. of IIT Kharagpur who claimed Road Bill for road journey performed by private vehicles while availing LTC, which was reimbursed by IIT Kharagpur, during year 2012 to 2017. \nAll relevant documents are available at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.\nI would like to inspect all relevant documents of above Sl No 2 & 3 at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur\nNone of the points comes under any restriction as per RTI Act, Honble CIC order and also order of any Honble court.\nIf any of the aforesaid information can not be disclose then please send me the reasons alongwith relevant order of Govt. of India
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Appealreg No:
Being aggrieved with the reply of your CPIO, I am sending this First Appeal before you for necessary steps as per rule\nI have attached emails of PIO of IIT Kharagpur and also my email to the CPIO of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Technical Education of Govt. of India.\nIn reply of my RTI application your CPIO in his reply vide ref. no. F.No.A-33- 1/2018-TS-I (August) stated that --- your RTI application is being transferred under Section 6(3) of the RTI Act, 2005 to the CPIO/PIO, IIT Kharagpur for furnishing the requisite information to your directly\nPIO of IIT Kharagpur stated on 12th Sept. 2018 that ---- In response to your email dated 10-09-2018, this is to inform you that no such letter has been received from the Under Secretary\nand CPIO of Ministry of Human Resource Development by the office of the PIO till date and time.\nPlease do the needful and send me proper and correct reply of my stated RTI application.\nregards,\nSubir Sengupta\nInformation Seeker
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