S No SE: 
Requestreg No SE: 
Request Recvd Date SE: 
Request SE: 
Respected Sir, Please Provide the urgent information on the following points. 1. Please provide the MOU signed between State Govt of Punjab and Govt. of India Or MHRD for implementation of RMSA scheme and recruiting the posts under the society. what conditions are bound on states under it for the posts recruitment of staff. 2. In last PAB 2014-15 Haryana PAB minutes it is mentioned on Page no. 7 Point No. 13. (PABs attention was invited to the terms and conditions specified in the appointment orders of Staff, where it is linking the staff appointment to approval from GoI under the RMSA programme. PAB expressed concern that this would mean that as and when the programme support stops, schools opened under support from RMSA would be closed down and staff appointed with support from the programme would be terminated which is not the case. Clearly, teachers and staff are appointed by the State, based on the recruitment rules and policies of the State and are the States responsibility which should not be undermined by such misleading aversions in the appointment orders. It was also clarified that while the state may take a view on recruitment of PGT under RMSA, however, the financial commitment under RMSA will be projected on the basis of TGT and their pay scales.) Please provide information and supporting document regarding this decision. and also Please tell whether these instructions also bound on other states or for haryana Only. Please provide the document issued to punjab regarding this decision. Please clearly mention it. 3. Please Tell me that Support for Lab Attendants under RMSA during 2015-16 is completely stopped or some other conditions may apply. 4. whether any direction issued to punjab regarding LAB Attendants fund for 2015-16 Please i further requested to you Please provide documents related to staff recruitment. It is further requested to you please dont forward it to Punjab Govt. I Shall be very thankful to you for this kindness
Request Reply SE: 
Reply as file attached
Appealreg No SE: 
Appeal SE: 
Respected Sir Please Reply the RTI request dated 26/04/2015 immediately as Point no 2 is forwarded to other CPIO Please Immediately Provide information on that point and also provide correct information clearly as Given in Haryana PAB please send that decision and order copy. The point is attached Herewith
Appeal Recvd Date SE: 
Appeal Reply SE: 
The Appeal of Shri Harmanjot Singh filed online vide Registration No.DOSEL/A/2015/60266 dated 12.7.2015 concerns to point No.2 of his online RTI application dated 29.4.2015 seeking information about minutes of the PAB, RMSA 2014-15 in respect of Haryana. 2. The appellant has submitted that the requisite information on point No.2 of his initial RTI application dated 29.4.2015 has not been communicated to him by the concerned CPIO. The Appeal has been gone through. It is seen that the CPIO and U.S - Shri Sushil Bhushan had sent the information, though in brief manner, to the appellant in respect of point No.2 vide letter No.14-1/2015-RMSA-IV/VE-Part-II dated 05.06.2015 (copy annexed) which was appropriate in essence, in context to the information sought. 3. However, in order to clarify the issue posed, the appellant is further clarified as under: i) The Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Integrated RMSA has Framework for implementation and the proposals are considered and approved by the Project Approval Board (PAB) and funds are released to the States for the items approved by PAB in the sharing pattern of 75:25 between Centre and State. RMSA Framework for implementation has detailed provisions/items being supported under RMSA which is available on the website of the Ministry. ii) The recruitment and service conditions of the staff recruited under RMSA are governed by the prevailing rules of the respective State Govts. and RMSA supports their salary component as per the norms of the RMSA. iii) So far furnishing supporting documents is concerned, the Ministry implements only the decisions taken at PAB which are also available at the website of the Ministry i.e. http://mhrd.gov.in/. The Appeal is accordingly disposed off.