Requestreg No:
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Please find attached as supporting document my email with three reminders regarding filling up of all vacant seats in spot round in IIITs (Indian Institutes of Information Technology). IIIT Guwahati and IIIT Vadodara have conducted spot round admissions to fill up vacant B.Tech seats on 09.08.2018 and 13.08.2018 respectively. Further, I have also requested Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and Directors/Mentor Directors of IIITs earlier for taking up with State Bank of India for inclusion of IIITs in SBI Scholar Loan Scheme. However, no IIIT, including IIIT Allahabad, has been included in SBI Scholar Loan Scheme till date. \n\nIn view of the above background, I seek following information from the concerned CPIO through speed post:\n1. Certified copy of all instructions/letters/advisories issued since 2013 to IIITs to fill up all vacant seats,\n2. Number of seats, program/branch-wise, IIIT-wise and year-wise, remained vacant and were not filled by IIITs since the year 2013,\n3. Certified copy of all instructions/letters/advisories issued by MHRD to IIITs, SBI and other Ministry/departments on the issue of inclusion of IIITs in SBI Scholar Loan Scheme,\n4.Certified copy of all letters received from IIITs, SBI and other Ministry/departments in MHRD on the issue of inclusion of IIITs in SBI Scholar Loan Scheme,\n5. Date and place of first meeting, if already held or going to be held in future, of IIIT (PPP) Co-ordination Forum,\n6.Date and place of third meeting, if already held or going to be held in future, of Council of IIITs,\n7. Certified copy of all minutes of meeting of BOG of IIIT Vadodara received in MHRD since May, 2017,\n8. Certified copy of all letters/instructions/advisories issued by MHRD to IIIT Vadodara since May, 2017 in relation to construction of permanent campus at Vadodara including funds provided/released by MHRD from time to time, and\n9.Certified copy of all letters/instructions/advisories issued by MHRD to IIIT Kottayam since April, 2015 in relation to construction of its permanent campus in Kerala including funds provided/released by MHRD from time to time.\n\nPlease note that the objective of the Right to Information Act, 2005 is to enable citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority. It is also stated in the Right to Information Act, 2005 that democracy requires an informed citizenry and transparency of information which are vital to its functioning and also to contain corruption and to hold Governments and their instrumentalities accountable to the governed.\n\nPlease also note that as per Section 22, Right to Information Act, 2005 over rides all existing Acts including the Official Secrets Act. Further, the information sought by me are not included among 11 subjects listed in Section 8 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 and hence cannot be refused to me under the said Act.
Request Recvd Date:
Request Reply:
The matter does not pertain to IITs Divisions but pertains to IIITs Division to whom the RTI application is already marked.
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