Requestreg No: 
Request Category: 
I have lodged a grievance in ministry of PNG and the Under Secretary has issued a letter to the PSUs under the ministry to know their status regarding the COAP 2019. But they are not replying properly and the reply is attached in the document. Maximum of the PSUs who came to the meeting are saying to ask to MHRD about the information. So, please tell me how many are joining the COAP 2019 portal as in the minutes of the meeting it was mentioned that the PSUs should reply with in 7 days of the distribution of the minutes of the meeting. If maximum are not coming then arrange a meeting in the mid of December 2018 again to convince them regarding this. If you will not call the meeting then again there will be a meeting after the 53rd IIT council meeting and then the reply also be the same and in 2020 also no one join the COAP portal. So, arrange another meeting with all the 4 PSUs as soon as possible because they have discussed about this in their board meetings and they can say clearly the problems which may come in their way and we will try to solve those problems. So, please say me who are joining the COAP 2019 AND WHO ARE NOT.
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Request Reply: 
Reply attached
Appealreg No: 
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