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TO, \n THE M.H.R.D.\nSUBJECT.-Information regarding the variation in different sets of GATE-2016 Question Paper in terms of HARDNESS of paper\nRESPECTED MINISTRY,- I am student of mechanical engineering final year. I want to know that if there are a examination committee of GATE who check the variation in question paper in different aspect(eg. distribution of question from different subjects, LEVEL of question paper etc.) before the EXAMINATION so that after evolution of answer sheet there should not more variation in there MARKS after normalizing. but this year a very big variation exist in the question paper of mechanical engineering GATE-2016.\n-A student score 74 marks in set-2 ,get 81.55 marks after normalizing\nand A different student score 82 marks in set- 3 ,get 78 marks after normalizing ( even if both student are equally good in study and concept) i mean to say that if A student score 82 marks in any set irrespective of the set is easy or tough , he is well prepared for the examination. and he will definitely score good marks in tough set also.\n\nI requested to you please think about these points. and I requested to examination committee please check properly deffrent sets before the examination because ultimately a good student will suffer.AND I further want to suggest that if it is possible organise a single question paper at the same time in all over India for best uniformity\nand if it is not possible the please check properly the question paper so that after the evolution only margin ups and down in marks will desirable. SO I requested to all of you please think on these point in future examination.\n \n THANKING YOU\n YOUR FAITHFULLY \n NAME- DEEP GUPTA
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