S No SE: 
Requestreg No SE: 
Request Recvd Date SE: 
Request SE: 
How much fund was transferred to Punjab state for ICT project for session 2010-11 and how money was utelised by state given in utelization certificate. How much fund was transferred to Punjab state for ICT project for session 2011-12 and how money was utelised by state given in utelization certificate. How much fund was transferred to Punjab state for ICT project for session 2012-13 and how money was utelised by state given in utelization certificate.How much fund was transferred to Punjab state for ICT project for session 2013-14 and how money was utelised by state given in utelization certificate.How much fund was transferred to Punjab state for ICT project for session 2014-15 and how money was utelised by state given in utelization certificate. Provide the guidelines given to Punjab state for utelising funds for ICT Project.How much fund was transferred to Punjab state for ICT project for session 2012-13 and how money was utelised by state given in utelization certificate.
Request Reply SE: 
Under the ICT Scheme, 3703 schools have been approved for implementation of ICT in Punjab for the period from 2005-06 to 2012-13. Central grant of Rs.15488 lacs has been released to Punjab Govt. for the above period. Huge unspent balance is lying with the State Govt. under the ICT Scheme. The State Govt. has to utilize the unspent balance lying with them and provide the Utilization Certificate/Progress report. Since, Punjab Govt. could not utilize the huge committed liability already available with them and yet to provide the status of implementation of the Scheme, further fund could not be approved during 2013-14 and 2014-15 to the State Govt. under ICT Scheme.
Appealreg No SE: 
Appeal SE: 
I hd applied the RTI application on 15-2-2015 on the reg. No.DOSEL/R/2015/60377 but till today 18-3-2015, I hadnot recieved any response from any authority.
Appeal Recvd Date SE: 
Appeal Reply SE: 
F.No.12-1/2015-RMSA-II/GH Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of School Education and Literacy Shastri Bhawan New Delhi Dated: March 24, 2015. ORDER I have gone through the RTI application of the appellant vide Registration No.DOSEL/R/2015/60377 dated 15.02.2015 and information provided thereon by the CPIO vide letter of even number dated 16th March 2015. It is observed that the information asked by the appellant could have informed largely by the CPIO based on the information available in the record. I, therefore, direct the CPIO to provide the information to the appellant with regard to the funds released under ICT Project during 2010-11 to 2013-14 and funds utilised by the State Government as per UCs furnished by the State Government, if any, and available in the records, within 15 days without document charges. The appeal is accordingly disposed off. S.L. Negi Director (RMSA-II) and FAA Department of School Education and Literacy Tel.No.011-23383779 Copy to :- Smt. Nagamani Rao, US (GH) and CPIO.