S No SE: 
Requestreg No SE: 
Request Recvd Date SE: 
Request SE: 
Requesting for the list of the names of teachers who were awarded the National Award(Raashtriya Puraskar) in the year 2006-2007.
Request Reply SE: 
Shri Siddhesh Plot No. 3 Road No 14 Sector - 1, New Panvel - 410206 Maharashtra Sir Kindly refer to your RTI online application requesting for the list of the name of teaachers who were awarded the National Award Rashtriya Puraskar in the year 2006-07. A copy of Directory containing names of Awardee teachers who were awarded the National Award in the year 2006-07. Since the directories for 2006-07 run a total of 339 pages. Therefore, an amount of Rs. 678/- (379X2) may kindly be sent through PO/Demand Draft in the name f Pay and Account officer, Ministry of HRD. M. Dilip Kumar Under Secretary MHRD, New Delhi