Requestreg No:
To, The Public information Officer Department of Higher Education (Ministry of HRD, Govt. of INDIA) Subject: Request for Information under Right to Information Act 2005. Sir, I Ranjeet Kumar S/O Sh. Kamalapati resident of Sonbhadra (UP), wish to seek information as under RTI Act. 2005 regarding to Notification No. 17-2/2014-TS.I of MHRD with subject : Revision of rates of Ph.D. Scholarship in AICTE funded and Centrally Funded Technical Institutions under the Ministry of Human Resource Development . My question are following: 1. Which works is included to obtain Scholarship/Assistance ship provided by Govt. in institute (IITs/IIITs/NITs): -Teaching Assistance ship or -Thesis work or - Both 2. It can be deducted (Partially/Fully). If yes, what is the conditions. 3. It can be stop during the study. If yes, what is the conditions. I hope for getting information for same. Thanking you. Your Sincerely, RANJEET KUMAR
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