School Education & Literacy

Date Format DD/MM/YYYY
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551 DOSEL/R/2016/80822/1 nil I just need an information on my mandal(Buchinaidukandriga-Chittor District Andhrapradesh) 1.How many government & Private schools we have in this mandal 2.Count of the students 3.last 5 ysars drop outs. 4.Staff count subject wise breakup 5.Litteracy rate year on year. (Buchinaidukandriga-Village) (Buchinaidukandriga-Mandal) (Buchinaidukandriga-Post) Chittor District Andhrapradesh 517645 21/09/2016 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
552 DOSEL/R/2016/52653 nil sir/madam, can i have the following details as per the RTI Act: 1. what is the total number of students studying in zphs, tirumalempalem, dwaraka tirumala (m), west godavari(district) of andhra pradesh 2. how many teachers are working in the above school 3. how many of these teachers have been selected in a) general category -- who are they b) BC category -- who are they c) SC/ST category -- who are they 4. what are the qualifications of the above teachers 27/09/2016 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. With regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
553 DOSEL/R/2016/52657 nil 1)why Rmsa girls hostels are linked with model schools in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana states as they are different projects. 2) According to which rule the girls hostels are run under supervision of model schools young gent faculty in Telangana. 3)how gent faculty of model schools acts as overall in charge to girls hostels in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh state.who is responsible about safety of girls in hostels from gent faculty of Model schools. 27/09/2016 VIew Madam, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View DOSEL/A/2016/60377 RTI APPEAL: Respected sir,the Rmsa girls hostels is a central scheme.please send complete details on 1,2,3 points immediately as it is related to protection and safety of girls students in RMSA GIRLS HOSTELS IN AP and Telangana 04/10/2016 VIew Appellate Authority's Decision as per file attached View
554 DOSEL/R/2016/52699/1 nil TO The Authorized Authority Department Of School India Date: 26/09/2016 Subject Details Of Students belonging To Government School Sir/Madam I am organizing the carrier seminars for the students belonging to 10 to 12 Standard[dot] The Seminar is conducted for the welfare of the students including setting up the carrier goal, choosing up the right stream, education importance in life, providing funds on capability of students which have deficiency of funds and providing guidelines for education with work[dot] For the same we require the authority to conduct the seminars in schools belonging to Udaipur division of Rajasthan State[dot] To fulfill the obligation I require the students details for the same purpose[dot] Thanking You Regards Mahaveer Pitliya 9887134106 pitliyamahaveer[at]yahoo[dot]com 117, Gokul Bhawan Main Road, Bhupalpura Udaipur 313001 Rajasthan 28/09/2016 VIew Sir, please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. with regards US (RMSA-I) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
555 DOSEL/R/2016/52702 nil 1) Total number and list of Rmsa Girls hostels linked with Model schools in Andhra pradesh. 2)Total number and list of Rmsa Girls hostels linked with Model schools in Telangana. 3)what is the difference between Girls hostels scheme and Model schools scheme. 4) Reason for not starting Girls hostels in Andhra Pradesh. 5) please enclose list of total functional girls hostels in India in all states. 6) please enclose list of total functional model schools in India in all states. 28/09/2016 VIew Sir Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View DOSEL/A/2016/60400 1) Total number and list of Rmsa Girls hostels linked with Model schools in Andhra pradesh. 2)Total number and list of Rmsa Girls hostels linked with Model schools in Telangana. 3)what is the difference between Girls hostels scheme and Model schools scheme. 4) Reason for not starting Girls hostels in Andhra Pradesh. 5) please enclose list of total functional girls hostels in India in all states. 6) please enclose list of total functional model schools in India in all states. 29/10/2016 VIew Appellate Authority's Decision as per file attached View
556 DOSEL/R/2016/52709/2 nil 1. I need the information regarding the funds allocated to the below mentioned schemes from Central Government to Andhra Pradesh State Government for the year 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. A) Central Plan Scheme for Elementary Education Infrastructure to Andhra Pradesh Government for the year 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. B) Sarva Shiksha Abiyan (SSA) for the year 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. C) National Program for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL) D) Mid Day Meals Scheme(MDMS). E) Scheme for construction and running of Girls Hostel for Secondary and Higher Secondary schools. F)Rastriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA). 28/09/2016 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards. US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
557 DOSEL/R/2016/52768 nil This is with reference to the release, utilization and implementation of funds issued for sports education, development and infrastructure (Sports) in the Annual Budget of 2016-17 by the Delhi Government (Government): 1. Are all govt schools throughout NCT of Delhi aided for Sports by the Government. Is the aid provided to any private school. If yes, please provide the name and amount of fund granted to all government and private schools. 2. What is the criteria for the allocation of funds by the Government. 3. What is the procedure in Delhi for the release of funds by the Government for Sports. 4. Are the funds directly utilized by the school authorities or there is a separte authority to govern and implement fund utilization. Kindly provide the hiearchy. 5. Who keeps a check on the appropriate utilization of sports fund. Has any audit on sports fund been conducted during Financial Year 2015-16. If not, why. 6. How is the education fund allocated in the Annual Budget of 2016-17 being utilized, especially with reference to Sports. 7. What is the current status of sports school and sports university referred in the Annual Budget of 2016-17. 8. What is the criteria and procedure for appointing an organization for the sports school/university. 29/09/2016 VIew The subject matter of the information sought is in the domain of Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi which are separate authorities. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6 (3) (ii) of the RTI Act, 2005, the applications are transferred for furnishing the sought for information direct to applicant. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
558 DOSEL/R/2016/52716/1 nil 1) whether the Central Government established Model schools belongs to Central Government or state Government.please gave details. 2)Model schools teachers are Central Government employees or state Government employees. 3)Model schools teachers got Central pay scales or state basic pay scales. 4)How many Model schools established by Central Government in India. 5)is there any chance to establish New model schools by Central Government in Remaining Ebbs. 6)what is ppp scheme in construction of Model schools. 7)How many schools are functional in India out of 6000 Ebbs. 8)who is the responsibility authority for proper functioning of Model schools project in states. 9)Model schools comes under Rmsa or SSA. 10)is model schools students in states provided with Mid day meals . 29/09/2016 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
559 DOSEL/R/2016/52744/2 nil 1)please send draft Guidelines developed for setting up pf day boarding schools by converting the existing model schools. 2)what are the objectives of RMSA and SSA scheme. 3)mid day meal menu. 30/09/2016 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
560 DOSEL/R/2016/52618 nil please sir provide the the information regarding the rajasthan School lecturer post for chemistry in jaipur and shri ganganagar school. (1) Vacant seat for chemistry in rajasthan government higher secondary school in various government school at Jaipur and shri ganganagar (2) List of rajasthan government senior secondary school for science at jaipur and shri ganganagar 20/09/2016 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. with regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
