School Education & Literacy

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61 DOSEL/R/2019/80450 nil Application for information under RTI Act 2005\nTo\n Public information officer\n Department name panchayati raj\n District -Jaunpur\nSubject -Regarding the development of Gram Panchayat Ibrahimpur. \nPlease provide me information given below- 03-05-2019 VIew Sir,\n\nKindly find the attachment for your information please. View nil nil nil nil nil nil
62 DOSEL/R/2019/80446 nil To service, \n Mr jan information officer Panchayati Raj Department \n Gram Panchayat UNAI\n Block and Tahshil BAKSHI KA TALAB Lucknow UP\n \nDate: 01/05/2019\n \nSubject - Right to information Act 2005\n Regarding providing description of the all complited Wark in Panchayat \n 2 plannig yaer 2017-18 and 2018-19 \n\n \nWark list -1. In the panchayat complited Drain (nali) Kharnjja\n 2. Handpumps ,handpump rebor, handpumps repair\n 3.Toilets ,water in toilets and etc .\n 4.IAY ,PAY\n 5.All Construction of Wall in Primary School in Gram Panchayat \n 6.Panchayat Bhavan mantence\n 7.Cleaning warker kit \n 8. SBM Tols\n 9.Street light and repairing \n 10. ETC\n \nSir please complete the details of the Wark done in the Gram Panchayat UNAI releted Villege Hemi (Bhagat kheda) with cost of cost and date .\n\n\nQus . Which officer of Gram Panchayat for any complaint and contect office.\n \n\n \n\n Lavkush s/o Mewalal \n 9653030235 02-05-2019 VIew Sir,\n\nKindly find the attachment for your information please. View nil nil nil nil nil nil
63 DOSEL/R/2019/80443 nil is this lawful to inform or order to SCHOOLs by DIOS on whatsap group instead of emails 02-05-2019 nil Sir,\n\nKindly find the attachment for your information please. View nil nil nil nil nil nil
64 DOSEL/R/2019/80446 nil To service, \n Mr jan information officer Panchayati Raj Department \n Gram Panchayat UNAI\n Block and Tahshil BAKSHI KA TALAB Lucknow UP\n \nDate: 01/05/2019\n \nSubject - Right to information Act 2005\n Regarding providing description of the all complited Wark in Panchayat \n 2 plannig yaer 2017-18 and 2018-19 \n\n \nWark list -1. In the panchayat complited Drain (nali) Kharnjja\n 2. Handpumps ,handpump rebor, handpumps repair\n 3.Toilets ,water in toilets and etc .\n 4.IAY ,PAY\n 5.All Construction of Wall in Primary School in Gram Panchayat \n 6.Panchayat Bhavan mantence\n 7.Cleaning warker kit \n 8. SBM Tols\n 9.Street light and repairing \n 10. ETC\n \nSir please complete the details of the Wark done in the Gram Panchayat UNAI releted Villege Hemi (Bhagat kheda) with cost of cost and date .\n\n\nQus . Which officer of Gram Panchayat for any complaint and contect office.\n \n\n \n\n Lavkush s/o Mewalal \n 9653030235 02-05-2019 VIew Sir,\n\nKindly find the attachment for your information please. View nil nil nil nil nil nil
65 DOSEL/R/2019/80443 nil is this lawful to inform or order to SCHOOLs by DIOS on whatsap group instead of emails 02-05-2019 nil Sir,\n\nKindly find the attachment for your information please. View nil nil nil nil nil nil
66 DOSEL/R/2019/80440 nil This RTI may pertains to your department transferred under RTI 6(3)A 01-05-2019 nil Sir,\n\nKindly find the attachment for your information please. View nil nil nil nil nil nil
67 DOSEL/R/2019/80441 nil Respected sir , please forward me following information regarding welfare of by birth mentally disable children and adults .\na) What action govt has taken to provide social security to children and adults suffering from Autism, Palsy , down syndrome and other diseases causing mentally retardation. \nb) what relief being provided to parents of such children.\nc) Is Govt planning to open Special Schools-cum- hostel for such children / adults from govt fund like old age home till death , as per month cost of pvt NGOs is very high.\nd) Is there are any financial add to grieved parents having such MR children.\ne) is Hostel subsidy is entitled to govt employees beyond the age of 22 years of his MR child.\nf) Is 50 Kms distance of Hostel from residence is mandatory in respect of a disable child like a normal child studying in a boarding school.\ng) Whether govt planning funding to such NGOs with a view to provide free education and residence to children and adults of special need like USA and other countries. 01-05-2019 nil Sir,\n\nKindly find the attachment for your information please. View nil nil nil nil nil nil
68 DOSEL/R/2019/51021 nil Sir, I am student of 12th class. My results are declared on 27th April, 2019. I done almost 90 marks in English, Hindi and Physics. But I got only 75,75 and 77.So I am not satisfied with the marks. So I want to see my answer sheet. My roll number is 0369949. Coll. - C. L.M. College Jani. (Code - 1077) Thank you. 01-05-2019 nil Sir,\n\nKindly find the attachment for your information please. View nil nil nil nil nil nil
69 DOSEL/R/2019/51012 nil Resped sir , i want to know about the fees related information and admission rules in uttar pardesh upto 12th standard. 30-04-2019 nil Sir,\n\nKindly find the attachment for your information please. View nil nil nil nil nil nil
70 DOSEL/R/2019/80433 nil nil 29-04-2019 nil Sir, Kindly find the attachment for your information View nil nil nil nil nil nil
