School Education & Literacy

Date Format DD/MM/YYYY
S. No. Requestreg No Request Category SE Request Request Recvd Date Request Doc URL Request Reply Request Reply Doc URL Appealreg No Appeal Appeal Recvd Date Appeal Doc URL Appeal Reply Appeal Reply Doc URL
421 DOSEL/R/2017/50915 nil 1. Please provide me copies of all the orders of amendments and copies of all the corrigendums issued till date in pursuance of the order No. 5-180/86-UT.I dated 12.08.1987 related to the grant of senior scale / selection grade to teachers. 2. Please provide me a copy of the order dated 20.09.1987 related to the grant of senior scale / selection grade to teachers. 3. Whether the benefit of FR 22 (I)(a)(1) (i.e. grant of one increment in lower scale before fixing the pay in the nearest slab in the higher scale) is admissible while fixing the pay after grant of senior scale / selection grade to eligible teachers. 11/05/2017 VIew (1) & (2) Copies of documents viz. letter F.No. 5-180/1986-UT-1 dated 12.08.1987, 03.11.1987, 05.09.1988, 06.02.1989 related to grant of Senior Scale/Selection Grade to teachers as available in the sent files letter No. 21-1/2017-UT-1 dated 31.05.2017. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
422 DOSEL/R/2017/80325 nil I want to know about why the two different kinds of eligibility criteria are applying for same post of primary teacher and assistant primary teacher . Its only senior secondary level pass out DSSSB but in MCD its eligibility is senior secondary level should be pass out with at least 50% marks. Please give reason about it and why mcd not follow the rule of new RR amendment. 11/05/2017 VIew The Subject matter of the information sought is in the domain of Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Board, FC-18, Institutional Area, Karkardooma, Delhi. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI/Act, 2005, the applications are transferred fro furnishing the sought for information direct to applicants. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
423 DOSEL/R/2017/50779/1 nil Please furnish the latest details of literacy percentage of the differently able category wise VH HH OH SSLC 12TH UG PG 17/04/2017 VIew Information is not available in this division and is maintained by Registrar General of India View nil nil nil VIew nil View
424 DOSEL/R/2017/50779/2 nil Please furnish the latest details of literacy percentage of the differently able category wise VH HH OH SSLC 12TH UG PG 17/04/2017 VIew Madam, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
425 DOSEL/R/2017/50781/1 nil please find attachment 18/04/2017 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
426 DOSEL/R/2017/80274 nil Final Status of MOPRJ/R/2016/51000 Applicant Name amit kumar jha Date of receipt 11/09/2016 Request Filed With Ministry of Panchayati Raj Text of Application namaskaar,mera naam amit kumaar jha hai,mere graam ladaur hai,jila mujaphpharapur,847107,bihaar hai.vahaan bahut see samasya hai jis mein se kuchh ka varnan nimnalikhit kiya gaya hai,jis par aap sangyaan leejie aur us samasya se samast graam vaashee ko vimukt karavaie:- 1.pratham yah samasya hai kee graam mein koee bhee haee skool nahee hai,jisake lie mene bahut prayaas kiya par koee sakaaraatmak parinaam praapt nahee hua,kin kaaranon se is graam mein isakee sthaapana nahee ho pa rahee hai,aur agar hogee to kab tak,is graam mein jo midal skul hai us mein kitane vidyaarthee aur shikshak hai. 2.hamaare graam mein 5000 se jayaada log rahate hai,par paanee ka nikaas ke lie naaliya nahee hai,jis kaaran se jal bharaav rod par ho jaata hai,jis se bimaaree phel jaata hai,aur sadake dhvast ho jaatee hai,jo durghatana ka kaaran banatee hai.kya sarakaar ne naaliya banavaane ke lie mukhiya ko koee nirdesh diya hai,agar haan to kab tak yah kaary is graam mein sampaadit hoga. 3.hamaare graam mein pey jal kee paip bichh chukee hai,par un paip mein jal nahee aata,sarakaaree dastaavej mein kaary bhee ho chuka hai ya samaapti ke kagaar par hai.pey jal kee paip bichhaane mein kitana kharch hua hai,kitana kaary ho gaya aur kab tak logo ko yah suvidha muhiya ho paegee. 4.hamaare graam mein graam panchaayat ke lie bhavan,hospital tak nahee hai,pata karane par pata chalata hai kee jameen ke abhaav mein isaka nirmaan nahee ho pa raha hai,aap batae kee graam mein panchaayat bhavan evan aspataal sthaapit karane kee kya yojana hai aur is par kitana kharch kiya jaana hai evan kin kaaranon se is ka nirmaan nahee ho pa raha hai. 5.hamaare graam mein pichhale 5 varsho se ek pul ka nirmaan ho raha hai jo subaas naam ke graam aur ladaur ko jodane ka mukhy maarg hai,par paanch varsho mein 20 pratishat kaary bhee nishpaadan nahee hua hai.aap batae ukt pul par kitana kharch kiya jaana hai,kitana kaary ho gaya aur kab tak pul ka kaary sampaadan hoga. graam mein mukhiya ko pichhale 6 varsh mein kitane rupay jaaree kie gae hai aur kin kin kaaryo ke lie,vivaran de. graam mein kitane bpl upabhogee hai,unake list ka vivaran de. aapaka shubhachintak amit kumaar jha 9320009749 19/04/2017 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter with regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
427 DOSEL/R/2017/50789 nil PIO Dear Sir 1 Model School Scheme envisaged setting up 6000 Model Schools in every block of the country However the scheme has been delinked from support of GOI wef 2015-16 & transferred to the States for further appropriate action 2 please provide information about how many rupees fund given to Andhra Pradesh and Telangana model schools up to 2015-16 3 what is the dates of commenced teachers recruitment 4 when Teaching staff recruitment was completed in Andhra pradesh 5 how many teachers presently working in Telangana and Andhrapradesh give me answer in cadre wise 20/04/2017 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
428 DOSEL/R/2017/80280 nil Why the government does not give the children and youth free educations up to master graduate level for all citizens. yet we are paying education tax in 3%. 21/04/2017 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
429 DOSEL/R/2017/50809 nil RTI APPLICATION: 1)After delinking of the model school scheme in 2015,is there any official proposals or requests received from the Government of Andhra pradesh /school education Department regarding sanction of additional grants to AP MODEL SCHOOLS in between the month of November 2016 to April 2017.please send the copy of that request if any available with MHRD. 2)Reasons for not starting the centrally sponsored scheme Girls hostels in Andhra pradesh state in the Academic year 2016-2017. 3)Is there is any chance to open Girls hostels in Andhra pradesh in next Academic year2017-2018 in Andhra pradesh state. 4)After delinking of the Model schools project,is there any chance to reconsidered the decision of central Government and again gave assistance to Andhra pradesh government .As the Andhra pradesh government did not take a policy decision from 2015 on running and functioning of these Model schools due to budget problem.please send the details if any available in this office records. 5)Total budget sanctioned from central government to Andhra pradesh for running of girls hostels in the financial year 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. 6)status of progress of implementation of model schools scheme in the Andhra pradesh state. whether the scheme is handover by state Government of Andhra pradesh or not.please send the information available in this office. 7)please send information if the model schools in Andhra pradesh in the year 2015-2016 run with the available central RMSA funds already released by the central Government for running different central sponsored schemes in the state. 22/04/2017 VIew Madam, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
430 DOSEL/R/2017/50810 nil RTI APPLICATION 1 in which year in Andhra pradesh and Telangana states the central Government sponsored vocational education scheme under National Vocational Education Qualification Framework (NVEQF) program is started. 2. Total list and details of Government schools in Andhra pradesh and Telangana states where the centrally sponsored vocational education program is successfully implemented.please send the list and details of that schools according to Rti. 3)Total central Government sanctioned and allotted budget to Andhra pradesh and Telangana state for implementation of vocational education. 4)present status of implementation of vocational education program in Andhra pradesh and Telangana states. 22/04/2017 VIew Madam, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
