School Education & Literacy

Date Format DD/MM/YYYY
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91 DOSEL/R/2019/50656 nil To The B.S.A / Information officer Mathura (UP). Subject: Please provide information under Right to Information Act 2005. Sir Respectfully says that provide information about Mr.Ajay Kr. Saraswat S/o Sh. Bhagawati Prasad who is posted as a teacher in upper primary school, vill. Khapparpur, Block. Raya Distt. Mathura (UP). Provide following information as. 1. Copy of rules and regulation of appointment. 2. Copy of all document, certificate, appointment letter etc. of that person Thanks Date.16/03/02109 16-03-2019 nil Sir, Under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Samagra Shiksha, Govt. of India provides funds to the States/UTs to support education sector. The management of teachers/staff s is exclusively under the purview of respective State Governments. Therefore, requisite information may be obtained from concerned State Government Department. Thanks Dalbir Singh nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
92 DOSEL/R/2019/50662 nil 1.Uttar Pradesh ke Basic Shiksha Vibhag K junior Bhaag Mein Sahayak Adhyapak evam Pradhan Adhyapak Hetu avashyak Yogita minimum age etc Pradaan karne ki kripa kare 2. Agar uttar pradesh ke Kisi junior Vidyalaya mein Zila Basic Shiksha Adhikari evam Vidyalaya Prabandak dwara manak ke pratikool tarike se Bharti ki gai hai to unko nirast karane ki process batane ki kripa kare 3. Uttar Pradesh ke Basic Shiksha Vibhag ke Junior Vidyalaya mein Sahayak Adhyapak evam Pradhan Adhyapak ki bharti HaiTu vidhyalaya ke junior sambharh mai Mein Kitni Chhatra Sankhya hona avashyak 16-03-2019 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
93 DOSEL/R/2019/50660 nil TO THE PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER, O/O THE DISTRICT EDUCATION OFFICER(SE), BATHINDA. DISTT. BATHINDA PUNJAB PIN CODE - 151001 SUBJECT - INFORMATION UNDER RTI ACT 2005. SIR, PLEASE PROVIDE ME THE LIST OF ALL THE AFFILIATED GOVT. AND PUBLIC / PRIVATE SCHOOL (SECONDARY AND SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL) FROM YOUR OFFICE IN DISTRICT BATHINDA FOR THE SESSION 2017-18, 2018-19. 16-03-2019 VIew Sir, Under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Samagra Shiksha, Govt. of India provides fund to the States/UTs to support education sector. The management of schools is exclusively under the purview of respective State Governments. Therefore, requisite information may be obtained from concerned State Government Department. Thanks Dalbir Singh nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
94 DOSEL/R/2019/50653 nil Sir, (1) Can you tell me how many teachers are in primary school and how many teachers are required. (2) How many primary school teachers are under graduate, graduate and tet qualified. (3) How many salary government expand on salary of primary school teachers. (4) How many students are in primary school. (5) What are the steps are taken by the government to improve the condition of primary school. Thanks 15-03-2019 nil Sir, Under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Samagra Shiksha, Govt. of India provides funds to the States/UTs to support education sector. The management of Schools, recruitment of teachers/staff is exclusively under the purview of respective State Governments. Therefore, requisite information may be obtained from concerned State Government Department. Thanks Dalbir Singh nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
95 DOSEL/R/2019/50645 nil Kindly refer my letter dated 21/02/2019 addressed to Sachiv, Basic Shiksha Parishad, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. I want to khow (under RTI ACT 2005) what action you have taken till now on this attached complaint. Provide the copy of action you have taken 15-03-2019 VIew Sir, Under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Samagra Shiksha, Govt. of India provides funds to the States/UTs to support education sector. The management of schools is exclusively under the purview of respective State Governments. Therefore, requisite information may be obtained from concerned State Government Department. Thanks Dalbir Singh nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
96 DOSEL/R/2019/80274 nil nil 15-03-2019 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
97 DOSEL/R/2019/50644 nil nil 15-03-2019 VIew nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
98 DOSEL/R/2019/50649 nil Please Provide information under RTI act 2005 as per enclosed file. 15-03-2019 VIew null nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
99 DOSEL/R/2019/80267 nil Kindly Supply me the list of training institutes which falls under State education board regarding teaching experience for the Post of Resource person(Academic) 14-03-2019 nil Sir,\nUnder Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Samagra Shiksha, Govt. of India provides fund to the States/UTs to support education sector. The list of training institutes fall under State education board is exclusively under purview of respective State Governments. Therefore, requisite information may be obtained from concerned State Government department. \n\nThanks\nDalbir Singh\nUS (IS-7) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
100 DOSEL/R/2019/50533 nil 1. Government teacher can teach tuition. If Yes then in which circumstance.\n2. If any one is teaching and taking fees then who can take action against this. 02/03/2019 VIew Respected Sir,\n\nKindly find the attachment for information. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
