School Education & Literacy

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141 DOSEL/R/2018/52581 nil dear sir , i am renu from new delhi am tells about my situation and i have not attempt any judgment in my problem. \nfirstly i am telling my problem discription in detail in supporting document. 23/10/2018 VIew As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on View nil nil nil VIew nil View
142 DOSEL/R/2018/52518 nil 1. HOW MANY CANDIDATES SELECTING FOR THE POST PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER \n ADVT. NO. 02/2014, POST CODE- 210/14 \n2. HOW MANY CANDIDATES JOINED THEIR ALLOCATED SCHOOL/ZONE\n3. GIVE CONSOLIDATE REPORT ACCORDING TO PROFORMA :-\n NAME OF CANDIDATE:- \n FATHER NAME:-\n COMPLETE PARMANENT ADDRESS:-\n DATE OF JOINING:-\n DATE OF BIRTH:-\n SEX:-\n NAME OF POSTING SCHOOL/ZONE:-\n TOTAL QUALIFICATION:- PASSING YEAR, NAME OF BOARD/ UNIVERSITY/ \n MARKS/PERCENTAGE\n MOBILE NO. OF CANDIDATE\n4. HOW MANY CANDIDATES PENDING FOR JOINING\n5. IF JOINING PENDING GIVES THE REASON FOR PENDING \n6. GIVE THE NAME OF PENDING CANDIDATES AND THEIR ROLL NUMBERS LIST 15/10/2018 VIew As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on View nil nil nil VIew nil View
143 DOSEL/R/2018/81011 nil I have been shortlisted for the post of PGT CHEMISTRY against the 103/17 advertisement of DSSSB.\nI want to know the following details:\n1) list of candidates who have qualified this exam with the marks scored and their rollno\n2)list of candidates in the merit list with marks obtained and rollno\n3) details of the case pending against the 4th vacancy in general category 4)on what basis,the selection has been made 18/10/2018 VIew As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on View nil nil nil VIew nil View
144 DOSEL/R/2018/52507 nil Subject: School list required with contact in west Delhi for Addimission\n\nI have two children son aged 10 years daughter aged 9 years I shifted in west delhi (from mandwali to uttam nagar dwarka) 15/10/2018 VIew As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on View nil nil nil VIew nil View
145 DOSEL/R/2018/52433 nil Please provide the Number of posts vacant of TGT computer science in Delhi Government schools under DOE 07/10/2018 VIew As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on View nil nil nil VIew nil View
146 DOSEL/R/2018/52410 nil 1. How many schools of Delhi teaches punjabi language as a subject\n\n2 In which schools either they are govt or non govt in Delhi Punjabi language teaches on PGT or TGT level \n\n3 list of punjabi language oriented schools of Delhi 04/10/2018 VIew As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on View nil nil nil VIew nil View
147 DOSEL/R/2018/52406 nil 1. How many shifts were there for postcode 119/17 PGT geography female\n2. I also want to see the answer key for which 119 / 17 result is declared\n3. Why there was no final answer key before the declaration of result\n4. How have you given the marks for post code 119 / 17 because the final marks should be multiple of .25, but it is not there\n5. Can I have a look at my answer sheet , please tell me the process of viewing the answer sheet\n6. How many candidates were shortlisted for uploading documents. \n7. I want to know the cutoff for the selected candidates. \n8. Earlier also I have filed one RTI but I did not get any answer ,that RTI postal order number is 89G 168468 04/10/2018 VIew As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on View nil nil nil VIew nil View
148 DOSEL/R/2018/52557 nil Please provide me following information\n1- Number of candidates appeared in prt exam post code 16/17 and 1/18 categorywise dated on 13/10/2018 and 14/10/2018 through Delhi subordinate services selection board \n2- Number of candidates appeared in prt exam post code 89/17 Categorywise dated on 6/10/2018 and 7/10/2018 through Delhi subordinate services selection board 21/10/2018 VIew As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on View nil nil nil VIew nil View
149 DOSEL/R/2018/52772 nil When will come the result of ONLINE EXAM PGT GEOGRAPHY POST CODE 118/17 HELD ON 26-07-2018 . PLZ PROVIDE RESULT SCHEME AND HOW MANY MARKS ARE COMPULSORY FOR QUALIFING TWO PARTS . 20/11/2018 VIew As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on View nil nil nil VIew nil View
150 DOSEL/R/2018/52721 nil My name is Sandeep, my roll no. is 2280006372\nI had applied to the post of Special Educator post code is 15/17 and department of DSSSB. Exam date is 22/07/2018.\nI want to know my marks according to the parts like part A and part B. 14/11/2018 VIew As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on View nil nil nil VIew nil View
