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DOSEL/R/2019/50008 |
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Sir, \nRespectfully I want to know -\n\n1. ACR or APAR grading is equal for the for Delhi Govt. School teachers for granting MACP\n\n2. Very Good benchmark is applicable from which date please write clear date. \n\n3. Is Good benchmark in 2012 -13, 2013-14, 2014-15 is eligible for granting MACP or not\n\nThanks |
01/01/2019 |
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As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on https://rtionline.delhi.gov.in/ |
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DOSEL/R/2019/50144 |
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Application under section 6(1) and section 6(3) of Right to information act 2005\nTo\nSH. Rakesh Bhatnagar\nSecretary, DCPCR\n1- what is School Devlopment Index(SDI) and How much fund the Government has released for the School Development Index\n2-What is the selection process and the eligibility of Assessor in the Assessment of Schools being done under the School Development Index being done by DCPCR and whether any official vacancy has been released from you\n3-Provide a list of the Lead Assesors and Junior Assessors recruited in the School Development Index and on which defined basis and qualification assessors have been recruited.\n4- What is the salary of Lead Assessor and Junior Assessor appointed in the School Development Index\n5- Whether policy of reservation has been followed in recruitment of Lead Assesor and Junior Assesor, appointed in the School Development Index, if not, provide reason\n6-What will be the basis for the removal of the assesor appointed under the School Development Index\n7-How long is the work of Assessor under the School Development Index Whether all assessor is being given a uniform salary, if there is no uniform salary being given, then what are the basis\n8- If the letter of the DCPCR is not given even after the appointment of an assessor in the school development index and he/she is being harrashed on any basis, then what are the rights of such a person(assesor), can he/she file a complaint and under which department he/she will file complaint. |
16/01/2019 |
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Madam,\n\nPFA the reply of your RTI application. Your RTI application pertains to State Government NCT of Delhi. Thus, requisite information may be obtained from the concerned State/UT Government Department. |
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DOSEL/R/2018/52272 |
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To \nThe public information officer\nDelhi subordinate service selection board Delhi (DSSSB)\nNew delhi 11002\n\nSubject- Request for information under right to information act 2005.\n\n(1)- pease inform me that, what is your reservation policy for the other state obc candidate, for PGT post, separately I separately attached my application in jpg file formate, inclouser please cosider.\n\n(2)- I submitted application fee (10 Rupees).\n\nRegards\nMubeen Khan\nResearch scholar\nDepartment of History\nMahatma Gandhi chitrakoot University |
20/09/2018 |
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As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on https://rtionline.delhi.gov.in/ . |
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DOSEL/R/2018/52363 |
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I am serving as tgt computer science in RSKV after recruitment through DSSSB. I am a postgraduate in physics from jamia millia islamia,Delhi. Am I eligible for promotion as pgt computer science or pgt physics either. |
29/09/2018 |
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As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on https://rtionline.delhi.gov.in/ |
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DOSEL/R/2018/52352 |
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Respected Sir/Mam\nI want to know about RCGSKV Jahangirpuri D block 1309256 IT Mr. Rajesh was transferred due to harassment of a woman teacher, what was the reason that his transfer was stopped, and this problem faced by all teachers in school but no one speak because of the fear of principal. And the principal only what is the greed she is in preventing the transfer of him. |
28/09/2018 |
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As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on https://rtionline.delhi.gov.in/ |
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DOSEL/R/2018/52344 |
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Sir,\n I request you to provide the following information in connection with the NATIONAL AWARD TO TEACHERS-2017 awarded by the Ministry of Human Resources & Development on 05[dot]09[dot]2018: \n\ni[dot] The total number of awards awarded state wise\nii[dot] Copies of all the correspondence made between the Ministry of Human Resources & Development and the Government of Andhra Pradesh in connection with this matter\niii[dot] Copy of the document wherein the decision was taken that lead to change in the number of awards from around 350 (for the year 2016) to around 45 (for the year 2017)\niv[dot] Copy of the entire note portion of the file in which the matter relating to the National Award to Teachers-2017 has been dealt[dot] It is also requested to inform the number of pages of the note portion of the file\nv[dot] Copy of the entire correspondence portion of the file in which the matter relating to the National Award to Teachers-2017 has been dealt[dot] It is also requested to inform the number of pages of the correspondence portion of the file\nvi[dot] It has been observed that there is a change in the procedure of awarding the awards for the year 2017[dot] A copy of the documents or the details or the basis by which the new policy has been determined may be provided\nvii[dot] The copies of relevant rules, regulations, guidelines, criterion/procedure for selection of teachers by the national jury - category wise (i[dot]e[dot], secondary, higher secondary and/or other such categories, if any)\nviii[dot] The details of the procedure, benchmark criterion or any such classification adopted by the national jury in scrutinizing the names recommended of the States\nix[dot] The marks or categories or any such classification awarded by the national jury in respect of all the teachers recommended of the States\nx[dot] The marks or categories or any such classification awarded by the national jury in respect of myself\n\n2[dot] If any or all of the above information is available online on the website, I humbly request you to provide me the exact URL (instead of requesting me to surf the website of MHRD) so that I could find it correctly[dot]\n\n3[dot] If any of the information sought above is not clear, I request you to kindly call me over mobile (07981287980) or contact me over email (klvramanaiah1963[at]gmail[dot]com) to avoid any delay in providing of information[dot] I also request you to provide the information as early as possible[dot] I further request you to provide me a copy of the reply via email (klvramanaiah1963[at]gmail[dot]com) also[dot]\n\n4[dot] I further submit that I am willing to pay additional charges, if any, required towards providing the information as requested above[dot] \n\n Thanking you sir,\n Yours faithfully,\n\n\n K L V Ramanaiah\nAndhra Pradesh |
27/09/2018 |
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Information is uploaded on the portal |
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DOSEL/R/2018/52343 |
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My name is Ankita Gupta, a candidate who applied for the post of PGT Economics Female, post code 107/17 for the online exam conducted by Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board. The online exam for the above-mentioned post was conducted on 07/07/2018.\nI scored 159.34 marks in the online exam conducted by DSSSB for post code 107/17 which is equivalent to the cut-off marks declared by DSSSB for this post. Even after scoring the marks equal to the cutoff marks, my application on DSSSB website states that I have not been selected and I am unable to upload the e-dossier documents for verification.\nI would like to get following information from this application:\n1. The selection procedure adopted by DSSSB to select the candidates after the declaration of cut-off marks for the online exam conducted.\n2. The list of selected candidates for the post code 107/17 along with their marks and age.\n3. Why should I not be able to upload e- dossier which ensures my name in the waiting list since I have already cleared the cut-off criteria decided by DSSSB.\n\nAnkita Gupta |
27/09/2018 |
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As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on https://rtionline.delhi.gov.in/ |
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DOSEL/R/2018/52273 |
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To \nThe public information officer\nDelhi subordinate service selection board (DSSSB)\nNew Delhi 11002\n\nSubject- Request for information under right to information act 2005.\n\n(1)- please inform me that, what is your reservation policy for the other state obc candidate to fill PGT post, because in 2018 pgt history i have submitted a application form and give exam and obtain marks more than cut off obc candidate, but my selection is not done, please inform me what is your selection criteria of oter state obc candidate, separately attached my application detail application form in PDF format, please consider it.\n\n(2)- I have submitted my application fee 10 Rupees.\n\nRegards\nMubeen Khan\nResearch scholar\nDepartment of History\nMahatma Gandhi chitrakoot University\nContact no. 9889459107 |
20/09/2018 |
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As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on https://rtionline.delhi.gov.in/ . |
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DOSEL/R/2018/52075 |
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To,\n\nThe PIO,\nEducation Department,\nMCD North Zone, Keshav Puram zone.\nSubject: - Information Under RTI Act 2005.\n\nSir/Madam,\nKindly provide the below details.\n1). Provide the copy of list of teachers eligible for filling 1st,2nd and 3rd MACP file in Nigam Pratibha Vidyalaya G.P Block school Pitam Pura (MCD School) till July 2018.\n2). Provide the copy of written information regarding submission of 1st,2nd and 3rd MACP file by the competent authorities to the principle and then to the teachers by the principle of Nigam Pratibha Vidyalaya G.P Block school Pitam Pura (MCD School).\n3). Provide the copy of the written reminder given by the principle of G.P Block school Pitam Pura (MCD School), regarding the last date of submission of 1st,2nd and 3rd MACP file in Nigam Pratibha Vidyalaya G.P Block school Pitam Pura (MCD School) till July 2018.\n4). Provide the copy of the list of teachers those have submitted 1st,2nd and 3rd MACP file in Nigam Pratibha Vidyalaya G.P Block school Pitam Pura (MCD School) till July 2018.\n6). Provide the copy of the list of documents need to fill 1st,2nd and 3rd MACP file.\n7). Provide the copy to the action taken on the application No 4429/2018/18 (Dairy in Keshav Puram zone in MCD Education Dept. Delhi)\n8). Provide the copy of rule by which an employee can fill his/her MACP file after last date.\n9). Provide the next date till a teacher can fill his/her MACP file, who has completed 20 years of service on dated 06/07/2018. |
03/09/2018 |
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As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on https://rtionline.delhi.gov.in/ . |
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DOSEL/R/2018/52114 |
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To, \n The PIO,\n GNCT, Delhi,\n Directorate of Education,\n Old Secretarict, Delhi-110054\n\nSubject : Information sought under RTI Act 2005[dot]\n\nRespected sir/madam,\n I am Lalit Kumar, working as Computer Instructor/Teacher under ICT[at]School Project in Delhi Govt[dot] School from 2015 to till now[dot] I sought the certified copies of the following information regarding the salary/wages/PF of the employees who had worked or working under above mentioned project under DOE, TCIL, FDS and Ricoh[dot] \n\n1[dot] Detailed list of all Computer Instructor/Teacher worked under ICT[at]School Project in Govt[dot] / Govt[dot] Aided Schools of GNCT Delhi, Directorate of Education from 2015 to till date[dot] \n\n2[dot] Month wise details of salary status of all the Computer Instructor/Teacher mentioned at Point no[dot] 1, which were disbursed through ECS from 2015 to March 2018 into their accounts[dot]\n\n3[dot] Month wise details of the share amount of employees and employer transferred into their PF accounts of all mentioned employees for the same period[dot]\n\n4[dot] Certified copies of rules/polices of the employer under which the salary/wages is being paid to the employees for the above said period[dot] \n\nPlease furnished the certified copies of the information mentioned at point 1, 2, 3 and 4 within stipulated time period as per RTI Act, 2005[dot]\n\nRTI Fee paid by online mode[dot]\n\nWith regards \n\nLalit Kumar\nAdd[dot] : A-473/8, Lakhpat Colony Part-2,\n Near MCD School, Meethapur Extn[dot],\n Badarpur, New Delhi-110044\nContact No[dot] : 91-8743094419, 8076084590 |
06/09/2018 |
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As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on https://rtionline.delhi.gov.in/ . |
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