School Education & Literacy

Date Format DD/MM/YYYY
S. No. Requestreg No Request Category SE Request Request Recvd Date Request Doc URL Request Reply Request Reply Doc URL Appealreg No Appeal Appeal Recvd Date Appeal Doc URL Appeal Reply Appeal Reply Doc URL
111 DOSEL/R/2018/50804 nil I have applied for delhi guest teacher My name was in first merit After document verification it was not in next list MY application Id 2017118900 I visited defence colony c block thrice and no answer yet I have done B.A general BED wuth maths and science M i eligible for teaching job can i do bridge course for PRT eligibility Who is responsible for all this What i can do next I want to know why i was rejected 18/04/2018 VIew The subject matter of the information sought are in the domain of Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi which is a separate Public Authority. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6 (3) (ii) of the RTI Act, 2005, the application is transferred for furnishing the sought for information direct to applicant. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
112 DOSEL/R/2018/80315 nil Dear Sir, \nI have a query regarding the number of applicants who have applied in GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board , vide advertisement no: No. F.1 (171)/DSSSB/P&P/2017/Advt./1306 Dated: Dated: 20/12/2017 , for the post code no: 128/17 ( PGT Agriculture -Male) Teacher Recruitment for PGT Agriculture Male.\n\nRegards\nNairita Bhattacharyya 17/04/2018 VIew As the subject matter of the information sought are in the domain of Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Board, Govt. of NCT of Delhi which is a separate authority. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI Act, 2005, the application is transferred to DSSSB to furnish the sought for information direct to applicant under the provision of the RTI Act, 2005. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
113 DOSEL/R/2018/80306 nil 1. When the exam of DASS GRADE II will be conducted by DSSSB for post code 81/2017 advertised through advertisement no 03/2017 dated 24.10.2017.\n2.If available, please provide a firm date. 16/04/2018 VIew As the subject matter of the information sought are in the domain of Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Board, Govt. of NCT of Delhi which is a separate authority. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI Act, 2005, the application is transferred to DSSSB to furnish the sought for information direct to applicant under the provision of the RTI Act, 2005. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
114 DOSEL/R/2018/50737 nil Subject - MACP bonus not recieved\nI Urmil Gupta Ex TGT -Music Teacher at R.S.K.V No-2 Shakarpur , Delhi 110092 retired on 30/04/2014 \ni am physically handicapped (By Birth Blind ) ,widow and leaving alone without any supporting hand , it s been 4 years now i am weekly interacting and coordinating with office administration team to give my MACP bonus for my future financial help however i dont see any progress on this it becomes very difficult for me to reach out Administration team weekly and more disappointing when they say come tomorrow or go to other place for latest update , it is my humble request you to please help in this matter as soon as possible i will always be thanks full to you.\n\nAlso please let me know the reason for such delay.\nRgds,\nSincerely Urmil Gupta\nEmp Code : -19880148\nPhone number :-8851867518 09/04/2018 VIew The subject matter of the information sought are in the domain of Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi which is a separate Public Authority. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6 (3) (ii) of the RTI Act, 2005, the application is transferred for furnishing the sought for information direct to applicant. View DOSEL/A/2018/60108 can you please confirm who is the concern department and why it was not forwarded if it is not related to you 10/05/2018 VIew nil View
115 DOSEL/R/2018/50705 nil To \nThe ADE\nDistt. South west-B \n Deputy Director Office, \n Najafgarh, New Delhi-110043\n\n1-Name of applicant: Shanu Gupta\n2-Address: A-20/13, Sanjay Nagar, Adarsh Nagar, North West Delhi-110033\n3-Information Sought\n\nA. No. of applications for CCL received from HOS working in District South west - B from 01/01/2017 till date.\n\nB. Details of each applicant:-\nName, Designation, Place of posting, Ground for CCL applied and No. of CCL applied \n \n \nC. No. of applications rejected with ground including details. \nName, Designation, Place of posting, Ground for CCL applied and No. of CCL rejected. \n \n \nD. No. of applications sanctioned with ground in including details.\nName, Designation, Place of posting, Ground for CCL applied and No. of CCL sanctioned. \n \n \nE. People drawing salary from the post of Principal/Vice Principal applications sanctioned with ground including details.\nName, Designation, Place of posting, Ground for CCL applied and No. of CCL sanctioned \n \n\nInformation sought is attached as pdf file also.\n\nThanks and regards 05/04/2018 VIew The subject matter of the information sought are in the domain of Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi which is a separate Public Authority. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6 (3) (ii) of the RTI Act, 2005, the application is transferred for furnishing the sought for information direct to applicant. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
116 DOSEL/R/2019/50353 nil Dears,\n\nI would like to know the policies or schemes from central govt and state govt for the development of primary education\nI would like to know the money/revenue dispersed each year from 2014 to 2019\nI would like to know if we have different schemes for villages or Panchayat or Mandal or District or State and revenue dispersed for each year\nThanks 08/02/2019 VIew Sir,\n\nReply of your RTI application already sent and attached herewith.\n \nRam Niwas View nil nil nil VIew nil View
117 DOSEL/R/2019/50305 nil Is there any authority/provision which states that the school fees of any kind for the duration of summer vacations of two months is mandatory to be given or can be waved off. Request guide on the subject and provide authority. 02/02/2019 VIew Sir,\n\nPlease find attached letter for information. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
118 DOSEL/R/2019/50289 nil Greetings,\nRecently, Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi conducted an event called Mega Book Fair-II for the purpose of books procurement for libraries in government schools. The results for that, i.e, budget allocated to every publisher, was announced yesterday. I request the information of budget allocated to each publisher ( total amount of orders received by each publisher) according to the list attached in PDF. 01/02/2019 VIew Sir,\n\nPlease find attached letter for information. View DOSEL/A/2019/60036 I received a duly reply from the ministry where I filed the RTI, which was that the RTI relates to another department and asked me to file another RTI to that department.\n\nWhereas, Section 6 (3) clearly states that a public authority must transfer the request to another authority to which the RTI relates to.\n\nPlease, transfer my RTI application to the relevant authority and provide me with feedback. 07/02/2019 VIew Appeal dispose of View
119 DOSEL/R/2019/50132 nil Please provide following information under RTI Act, 2005.\n\n1. Please provide the following information about all the meetings of the State Education Ministers Conferences held.\na) Number of meetings held since January 1, 2014\nb) Date of Meetings held since january 1, 2014\nc) Agenda of meetings held since january 1, 2014\nd) Copy of minutes/discussions/proceedings/verbatim recordings etc. of the proceedings of all meetings held since january 1, 2014\ne) Name and designation of persons who attended each meeting since January 1, 2014.\n\n2. Please provide the following information about all the meetings of the State Education Secretaries conference held.\n\na) Number of meetings held since January 1, 2014\nb) Date of Meetings held since january 1, 2014\nc) Agenda of meetings held since january 1, 2014\nd) Copy of minutes/discussions/proceedings/verbatim recordings etc. of the proceedings of all meetings held since january 1, 2014\ne) Name and designation of persons who attended each meeting since January 1, 2014.\n\n3. Please provide the following information about all the meetings of the Joint Review Missions (JRM) of SSA held.\n\na) Number of meetings held since January 1, 2014\nb) Date of Meetings held since january 1, 2014\nc) Agenda of meetings held since january 1, 2014\nd) Copy of minutes/discussions/proceedings/verbatim recordings etc. of the proceedings of all meetings held since january 1, 2014\ne) Name and designation of persons who attended each meeting since January 1, 2014.\n\n4. Please provide the following information about all the meetings of the PAB (Project Approval Board) Meetings held.\n\na) Number of meetings held since January 1, 2014\nb) Date of Meetings held since january 1, 2014\nc) Agenda of meetings held since january 1, 2014\nd) Copy of minutes/discussions/proceedings/verbatim recordings etc. of the proceedings of all meetings held since january 1, 2014\ne) Name and designation of persons who attended each meeting since January 1, 2014. 15/01/2019 VIew Sir,\n\nPlease find attached letter for information.\n\nThanks View nil nil nil VIew nil View
120 DOSEL/R/2019/50042 nil Information regarding the result for the post of Primary School Teacher in Directorate of Education, Andaman and Nicobar Administration under advertisement dated 16.07.2018\nSir\n I am Gaurav S/o Balwan Singh, a resident of Haryana. I had applied for the post of Primary School Teacher in the Department of Education on 08.08.2018 in DEO office, South Andaman under advertisement dated 16.07.2018. The result for the aforesaid post has been declared on 17.12.2018. The least score of the last candidate of my applied category is 51.90 (HINDI MEDIUM / General category). Following questions are asked for.\n\n1. On what grounds my application is rejected. 05/01/2019 VIew THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THE INFORMATION SOUGHT IS UNDER THE DOMAIN OF DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION, UT ADMINISTRATION OF ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS, PORT BLAIR. HENCE, IN TERMS OF SECTION 6 (3) (II) OF THE RTI ACT, 2005, THE RTI APPLICATION OF SH. GAURAV IS TRANSFERRED TO DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION, UT ADMINISTRATION OF ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
