School Education & Literacy

Date Format DD/MM/YYYY
S. No. Requestreg No Request Category SE Request Request Recvd Date Request Doc URL Request Reply Request Reply Doc URL Appealreg No Appeal Appeal Recvd Date Appeal Doc URL Appeal Reply Appeal Reply Doc URL
731 DOSEL/R/2015/63253 nil Respected sir/madam,i want information about budget sectioned for rmsa in punjab in 2014-15 and 2015-16 and how much fund utilised till date.why there is deduction in salary component for 2015-16 .teachers recruited under sarv sikhsha abhyan has got salary 38200 pm for 2015-16 but rmsa teachers got only 30500 pm even they taught secondary classes but ssa teachers teach elementry classas .primary teachers under ssa in punjab getting 33800 pm ,more than secondary teacher s of rmsa .why this type of injustice for rmsa teachers in punjab.please answer in detail 26/10/2015 nil Reply as per file attached View nil nil nil nil nil nil
732 DOSEL/R/2015/63180 nil Whether a contract Teacher of Govt High school of odisha can be depute to another Govt. High School or not. If there is any provision and Law to Depute a Contract Teacher to other school,Then give me xerox copy of govt. order. 16/10/2015 nil Reply as per file attached View nil nil nil nil nil nil
733 DOSEL/R/2015/63101/1 nil Subject: Regarding Compulsory time(Hours) for Computer science /Education in a week [dot]( ICT [at]school scheme )[dot] 1[dot] Compulsory time(Hours) in different states of India by MHRD for Computer Science/Education(Theory practical) students per week under ICT National Policy for Quality Education[dot] 2[dot]What amount of compulsory time (Hours) in a week from MHRD for middle, high and Secondary school students of computer Science/Education under ICT [at]school scheme[dot] 07/10/2015 nil Reply for part information as per file attached View nil nil nil nil nil nil
734 DOSEL/R/2015/63085 nil Respected Sir, Please provide information on- 1. How much expense government grants to public education institutions in rural area 2.Does deemed Public institution receive aids from government 3. What are the steps taken by the state government of UP to minimise the ragging incidents in the secondary schools 4. How much amount has been allocated for the purpose of scholarships under central schemes 5. Is there any subsidy given to printers/publisher of NCERT books 05/10/2015 nil I am directed to refer to your RTI application and to attach the details of the fund released to the States including Uttar Pradesh. View nil nil nil nil nil nil
735 DOSEL/R/2015/62893 nil The recruitment of RAMSA 264 head masters were advertised on 18-10-2013 from PUNJAB SCHOOL EDUCATION RECTRUITMENT BOARD and the final result was declared on the 15th Oct 2014 and the final merit list was prepared on educational marks of candidat and experienced in years, i have doubt one of the candidate in this process, who were recruited from this process. I want the government nodal officers attested/certified testimonials of this candidate ( educational B.A, B.ED, M.A, M.ED, M.PHILL OR EXPERIENCE LETTERS). The detail of the candidte mention below:- Name - Archana Rani Father Name- Ramesh Lal Singla Mother Name - Vinod Rani Regestraion No. - R001-00019866 Sr.No- 30 Total Merit Marks- 61.4044 20/09/2015 nil Information as per file attached View nil nil nil nil nil nil
736 DOSEL/R/2015/62808/13 nil Dear Sir/Madam, Kindly provide the following information 1) State-wise Total Sarva Shiksa Abhiyan (SSA) plans approved AWPand B for 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 (till date) 2) State-wise Total Central government released for SSA for 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 (till date) 3) State-wise Total State share released for SSA for 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 (till date) 4) Statewise Total expenditure incurred under SSA2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 (till date) 5) State-wise Total funds available under SSA (including opening balance) for 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 (till date) 6) Total State-wise funds proposed under State Learning Assessment Survey SLAS for 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16 (till date) 7) Total State-wise funds approved by MHRD/Project Approval Board under State Learning Assessment Survey SLAS for 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16 (till date) 8) State-wise Total Rashtriya Madhyanik Shiksa Abhiyan (RMSA) plans approved (AWPand B) for 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 (till date) 9) Statewise Total Central government released for RMSAfor 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 (till date) 10) State-wise Total State share released for RMSA for 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 (till date) 11) State-wise Total expenditure incurred under RMSA 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 (till date) 12) State-wise Total funds available under RMSA(including opening balance) for 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 (till date) 13) 6) State-wise Total Mid Day Meal (MDM) plans approved for 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 (till date) 14) State-wise Total Central government released for MDM for 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 (till date) 15) State-wise Total State share released for MDM for 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 (till date) 16) State-wise Total expenditure incurred under MDM 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 (till date) 17) State-wise Total funds available under MDM(including opening balance) for 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 (till date) Kindly provide this information in soft copy of possible. Thank you 12/09/2015 nil Information pertaining to RMSA-II Division is enclosed. View nil nil nil nil nil nil
737 DOSEL/R/2015/80622/6 nil Part-1 pertains to RMSA-1 21/08/2015 VIew Sir, Please find attached reply of your RTI Application. View nil nil nil nil nil nil
738 DOSEL/R/2015/80623/2 nil hamqadam welfare society 21/08/2015 VIew Sir, Please find attached reply of your RTI Application. View nil nil nil nil nil nil
739 DOSEL/R/2015/61014 nil PAB had approved salary fund of 104working lab attendents(RMSA) state Punjab [at]rs18000/- per month for session 2014-2015[dot] At present the counting of working lab attendents is 95[dot] I want to know the salary fund approved for these 95 working lab attendents for session 2015-2016[dot] In case if PAB has not approved the salary fund of these 95 working lab attendents then give specific reason[dot] Thanks 17/04/2015 nil Please find the reply duly attached View DOSEL/A/2015/60159 Respected Sir, In reply to my application, department had given wrong or misleading information, Please Tell me clearly with reasons that why the Fund for 95 working lab attendants are not supported by PAB and GOI as these 95 are in position, Also, In last PAB Department had approved 104 Lab Attendants But in 2015-16 it is completely withdrawn ,Please provide clear information about 2015-16 as in all the states LAb attendants fund was not approved, It is requested Please Give early reply with clear Information about it 07/05/2015 nil F.No.12-1/2015-RMSA-II/GH Dated: 01.06.2015 ORDER The appellant, Shri Mohit Kumar not satisfied with the information provided by the CPIO, filed an appeal dated 07.05.2015 regarding provision of salary of Lab Attendants for 2015-16. I have gone through the information furnished by the CPIO and observed that the reply furnished is acceptable in consideration to the decision taken by the PAB during 2014-15 and same line adopted during 2015-16 due to paucity of funds under RMSA. Appeal is accordingly disposed off. S.L. Negi Director (RMSA-II) and FAA. Tel.No.:- 011-23383779 nil
740 DOSEL/R/2015/61821/1 nil RTI FORWARDED TO RMSA IIA AND MDM DIVISION 1. HOW MANY UPGRADED HIGH SCHOOLS ARE THERE IN RAYAGADA DIST ODISHA STATE 2. SCHOOL TIMINGS 3.STUDENT AND TEACHER RATION 4. MINIMUM AND HIGHEST QUALIFICATION OF AVAILABLE TEACHER 4.SCHOOL PROGRAMS 5.VERIFICATION/AUDIT OF MID DAY MEAL PROGRAME 6.RESULTS 26/06/2015 nil Sir, The information sought by you on point no. 1 to 4 and 6 pertains to State Govt. of Odisha. Therefore, you are requested to take up the matter with SPD, RMSA, OPEPA, Shiksha Sodh, Unit-V, Bhuneshwar-751001, odisha for obtaining the desired information. As regards point No.5 i.e. the information relating to Mid Day Meal programme, a copy of your RTI application is being transferred to Shri Rajeev Kumar, CPIO and US, D/o School Education and Literacy, Room No.534, C wing, shastri Bhawan, New Delhi, for sending the reply directly to you in the matter. Your faithfully, (H. M. Sonkusare) CPIO and Under Secretary to the Govt. of India 13.7.2015 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
