School Education & Literacy

Date Format DD/MM/YYYY
S. No. Requestreg No Request Category SE Request Request Recvd Date Request Doc URL Request Reply Request Reply Doc URL Appealreg No Appeal Appeal Recvd Date Appeal Doc URL Appeal Reply Appeal Reply Doc URL
681 DOSEL/R/2016/50137 nil The following details, in connection with the NATIONAL AWARDS TO TEACHERS that are awarded every year by the M/o HRD, may kindly be provided: 1. The facilities, including eligible mode of transportation (air/train/bus along with type(executive/economy or 1 tier/2 tier/3 tier/sleeper etc)) (to & fro), stay and other facilities that are provided to selected Awardee Teachers along with their family members while receiving the award may be provided (also please specify how many family members are eligible to claim such facilities and the procedure for same). 2. The details and facilities, including eligible mode of transportation(air/train/bus along with type(executive/economy or 1 tier/2 tier/3 tier/sleeper etc)) (to & fro), stay and other facilities that are provided to selected Awardee Teachers along with their family members, regarding the 14 days paid holiday may be provided (also please specify how many family members are eligible to claim such facilities and the procedure for same). 3. The increments or hike in salary, extension of service and any other benefits provided to selected Awardee Teachers may be provided. if the benefits/increments/extension is different in different states, the details state wise may also be provided. 16/01/2016 VIew Dear Sir The Awardee Teachers are eligible for travelling by train (AC Tier 2) to and flow with a companion and Government of India has made all necessary arrangement for boarding and lodging. Increments and extension of Service and any other benefits are under the administrative control of respective State Government. With regards View nil nil nil VIew nil View
682 DOSEL/R/2016/50053 nil kindly provide following information : 1. Transfer policy of Computer Faculty for Punjab ICT Education Society (recruited in 2012) within state of punjab. 2. List of schools in ludhiana district having vacancy of computer faculty. 06/01/2016 VIew Reply as per file attached View nil nil nil VIew nil View
683 DOSEL/R/2016/50093 nil Respected sir , I want to seek information under RTI ACT regarding the central government of India (MHRD ) sanctioned MODEL SCHOOLS to ANDHRA PRADESH STATE in educationally backward blocks.. so ,I want information about model schools sponsored by central government of India to Andhra pradeh state. so, please provide complete and detailed information about : 1)complete list of sanctioned model schools , approved model schools and functional model schools to Andhra pradesh state between( 2009 -2014) by central government. 2) How much central budget sanctioned to model schools between( 2009-2015) by central governmnet. 3) How many EDUCATIONALLY BACKWARD BLOCKS identified by the Government of India and how many model schools constructed by the Government of Andhra pradesh. 4)As the Model School Scheme Has Been Delinked From The Support Of The Government Of India And As Such The Scheme Stands Transferred To States/UTs For Further Appropriate please provide complete information about number of model schools sanctioned, approved and functional during the period of (2009-2014) by CENTRAL GOVERNMENT to ANDHRA PRADESH state.please send the information about the requests mentioned in 1,2,3 points through post separately ( both hard copy and soft copy) ... Thank you sir. 10/01/2016 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View DOSEL/A/2016/60068 Respected Madam, please give detailed information under Rti act .As mentioned in the previous Rti reply document registration number DOSEL/R/2016/50093(Annexure 2) . so please give detailed information on approved model schools according to Rti Act . 1) what is the status of construction of Second phase approved model schools by PAB (109 schools ) in Andhra pradesh under centrally sponsored scheme. 08/03/2016 VIew Appellate Authority's Decision View
684 DOSEL/R/2016/50128/1 nil Respected sir, I M.Kranthi Kumar, resident of Eluru which is located in west godavari district Andhra Pradesh want the following kind of information: 1. How many licenced (i.e government recognition) and non-licenced schools in Eluru, west godavari district 2. Strength of the teachers in each school (i.e student to teacher ratio) and also the teachers qualification along with their salary details. 3. List of the schools which are following the rules and regulations framed by the government (regarding the students strength in each class, providing hygienic food to the students, School fees per year, bus and van facilities, recreation facilities, having play ground, having extracurricular activities in their curriculum, length of the school day, etc.) 4. List of the schools which are not having the above said requirements in section3. and not following the rules and regulations along with the kind of action taken by the concerned authorities after inspection 5. List of government schools which are not in proper condition and funds provided by the government for the academic year 2011 and their utilization by the concerned schools in detail. I require the above information regarding the schools located in eluru, west godavari district, andhra pradesh. Thank you. 14/01/2016 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI Reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
685 DOSEL/R/2016/50126 nil I seek to know that, 1. On the academic session of 2014-2015, how many teachers have been awarded with National Award(s) from Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. 2. I request you to provide me with their details, (experience, qualification etc.) on the basis of which they received the awards. 3. If there were any teacher from the North-Eastern region. If yes, then his/her name and subject. 4. If there is any special criteria for receiving the award, in case of North-Eastern teachers. 14/01/2016 VIew Dear Sir The total 16 teachers were awarded in NAT -2014 from KVS. You are requested to contact KVS for others details like experience qualification as the KVS is the Custodian of all records of teachers With regards View DOSEL/A/2016/60082 I seek to know that, 1. On the academic session of 2014-2015 and 2015-2016, how many teachers have been awarded with National Award(s) from Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. 2. I request you to provide me with their details, (experience, qualification etc.) on the basis of which they received the awards. 3. If there were any teacher from the North-Eastern region. If yes, then his/her name and subject. 4. If there is any special criteria for receiving the award, in case of North-Eastern teachers, if there is any, then supply me those circulars, notifications, memorandums etc. With an hope that this time you will respond to my RTI and provide the information that I want in appropriate time as the no response was given to my RTI by concerned CPIO. Thanks 16/03/2016 VIew The information available was provided by CPIO. Hence the appeal stands disposed. View
686 DOSEL/R/2016/80042 nil In our country, what are the scholarship available to school,college,university students and Research scholars and what are the criteria to be fulfilled by the student to getting this scholarship(Forms and all Details to be required based on all verticals i.e,Handicap,Caste,Place, Gender,UGC,IMA,AICTE):then, if the student, want to study in abroad,what are the scholarship is offering by the Government of India: How many countries ( colleges /universities) made MOU with our country and How much they are offering to the student for scholarship contribution:In Last 10 years, How much amount allocated as a scholarship of all this categories from Central government and How much actually spended to the student community(State wise allocation to be required):How many Business corporates,NGO or other organisation are offering scholarship to the student and What are the conditions to applicable to get this scholarship and How much scholarship amount: Apart from cash amount,any other scholarship is offering to students as a kind of cash / liquidate of any asset: 15/01/2016 VIew The Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of HRD has the following two schemes providing scholarship to the students. The details of these scholarship schemes (copy enclosed). The details of these schemes are available on Ministries website- View nil nil nil VIew nil View
687 DOSEL/R/2016/80045 nil please see the attachment............. 15/01/2016 VIew Sir Subject: RTI Information Act 2005 Point No. 1. NAT Section maintains and last five years of record only. Point No. 2-11 -- Not come under the purview of RTI Act 2005 Point No. 12 & 13 : You are advised to contact with State Government as they are the custodian of all record. With regards NAT Section View DOSEL/A/2016/60104 No response within the time limit 29/03/2016 VIew The information available was provided by CPIO. Hence the appeal stands disposed. View
688 DOSEL/R/2015/80927/1 nil 1.Fire Safety NOC of your office & your sub ordinate offices. 2.Fire Safety System trial tested certificate. 3.Your satisfactory certificate of Fire Safety System. 4.Statement of Power, Water, Telephone, Fuel Bills of October 2015. 5.Statement of Loans, Interests & Dues of our country. ( your department) 6.Statement of number of returned RTI applications since 2005 to 2015 and reasons. 27/12/2015 VIew A copy of the letter no 12-1/2016-RMSA-II/GH Dated 21.01.2016 is attached. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
689 DOSEL/R/2015/63649 nil Sir, my HTET 2015 Level -2 written test was sheduled on 15 Nov 15 on sunday at 1500 hrs to 1730 hrs in SWAMI UMA BHARTI PUBLIC SCHOOL, JHAJJAR ROAD, REWARI - 123015. my roll number is - 2316248. Board of school education haryana staff had interrupt me many time and they took my answer sheet for more than a hour and reason they said to me that my photo does not match with me. even my admit card attested my a principle as per your guidelines. so i could not able to attempt my exam. but any how i have managed to solve questions. now when i was checking my result for HTET is was showing an error that invalid input data, no record found. so please look in this matter and provide me a reason why is like that. if they have cancelled my paper, they should intimate me. 25/12/2015 VIew please find enclosed the attachment. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
690 DOSEL/R/2015/63644/1 nil Dear Sir/Madam, Please provide me following information under RTI Act 2005 :- 1. Is their any grant available to open new school in rural area under central or state scheme. Thanks Anshul Malviya 25/12/2015 VIew A copy of the letter no 12-1/2016-RMSA-II/GH Dated 21.01.2016 is attached. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
