School Education & Literacy

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711 DOSEL/R/2014/60557/1 nil Sir/Madam, Please give me details of schemes implementing in your department and supporting GOs and circulars of Schemes. Thanking you... 01/04/2014 VIew The Secondary Scholarship Division of the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development is administering two Centrally Sponsored Scholarship schemes (Details attached). View nil nil nil nil nil nil
712 DOSEL/R/2014/80162/1 nil Presently how many schemes/programmes are in run by the central government for the social, economical and educational upliftment of people residing in rural areas of India. 07/04/2014 nil The Secondary Scholarship Division of the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development is administering two Centrally Sponsored Scholarship schemes (Details attached) View nil nil nil nil nil nil
713 DOSEL/R/2014/80276/3 nil TO PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER, Department of School Education and literacy Ministry of HRD, Govt. Of India DATE -30/6/2014 PROVIDE INFORMATION ACCORDING TO RTI ACT 2005 on the following questions. 1.What are the names of different sub-ordinate organizations, departments, offices, autonomous organizations, undertakings, and corporations functioning under your ministry 2.What are the names of different sub-ordinate organizations, departments, offices, autonomous organizations, undertakings, and corporations functioning under your ministry with the prefix or starting with name Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi AND Rajiv .Jawahar, Indira and Mahatma 3.What is the official address of contact of public grievance officer in these different sub-ordinate organizations, departments, offices, autonomous organizations, undertakings, and corporations functioning under your ministry 4.What is the name or address of the official website in these different sub-ordinate organizations, departments, offices, autonomous organizations, undertakings, and corporations functioning under your ministry 5.Is there a voluntary disclosure or pro- active disclosure of RTI information in these official websites of the various sub-ordinate departments Give the examples with headings of these pro-active disclosures with date in the year 2014 6.Give the information with heading ,date about the implementation of suo-motu disclosure of information under section -4 of RTI ACT-2005 in the public domain in the year 2014 till date by your ministry and different sub-ordinate organizations, departments, offices, autonomous organizations, undertakings, and corporations functioning under your ministry 7.When the official website of the different sub-ordinate organizations, departments, offices, autonomous organizations, undertakings, and corporations functioning under your ministry was last updated 8.What are the various welfare schemes and policies of your ministries for the benefits of women, children, disabled and Bachelors and Spinsters people of India and employees of your department at large YOURS SINCERELY P.RAMMOHAN BEURA CANARA BANK, Kacheri road. BADAMBA Town BADAMBA-CUTTACK-754031-ODISHA 02/07/2014 nil The point no. 8 pertains to this Bureau. A copy of welfare scheme of support to voluntary agencies for Adult Education and Skill Development. Scheme PDF is enclosed herewith. View nil nil nil nil nil nil
714 DOSEL/R/2014/61576 nil Please provide the following sets of data: 1. Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) and Net Enrollment Ratio (NER) in each State and UT, year-wise, from 1990-91 to 2013-14 (total 24 years). For each year, please provide data separately for each State and UT. Also, please provide this information separately for elementary and secondary education 2. Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) in each State and UT, year-wise, from 1990-91 to 2013-14 (total 24 years). For each year, please provide data separately for each State and UT. Also, please provide this information separately for elementary and secondary education. 3. Average annual dropout rates in schools in each State and UT, year-wise, from 1990-91 to 2013-14 (total 24 years). For each year, please provide data separately for each State and UT. Also, please provide this information separately for elementary and secondary education. 4. Total number of schools in each State and UT, year-wise, from 1990-91 to 2013-14 (total 24 years). For each year, please provide data separately for each State and UT. Also, please provide this information separately for elementary and secondary education. 5. funds utilized by each State and UT under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), as a percentage of total funds released to that State in a particular year. Please provide this data separately for each State and UT for each year since these schemes were launched. 23/09/2014 nil Please see the attachment. View nil nil nil nil nil nil
715 DOSEL/R/2015/62449 nil 1. The list of employees appointed on Adhoc 89 days basis on or after 1.1.1985 by the Managing committee of Aided High Schools and duly approved by the Inspector of Schools in T.G.Posts ,who are not coming under purview of Validation Act 1989 with their (i)date of birth, (ii)date of appointment (iii) date from which getting TG scale of pay (iv)date from which service continued without break (v)the Deemed Date of entry into Govt.service vide Govt.Resolution No 27813 /SME Dt 07.12.2002 under subject : service benefits of the employees of Aided High Schools taken over by the Government w. e. f. 07.06.1994 and (vi) The latest proceedings by the Government for his/her service regularisation. 2. Number of Government sanctioned Trained Graduate Posts in Aided High Schools as on Dt. 06.6.1994 being taken over by the Government on Dt. 07.06.1994. 3. Number of Government sanctioned Trained Graduate posts in Government High Schools as on dt. 07.06.1994. 4. Total number of T. G. Posts sanctioned by the Government in Govt.(Old /New) High Schools as on Dt. 07.06.1994 (Govt. and Aided High Schools merger list) 5. Total number of employees entered into the Junior S. E. S. Gradation list as on Dt. 30.6.2015. 6. Total number of Senior S. E. S. posts sanctioned by the Government as on Dt. 30.4.2015. 7 Total number of Senior S. E. S. Posts filled up by the Government in order number 17234 Dt. 16.5.2015 of D. S. E. Odisha as on Dt. 31.7.2015. 8 Total number of Senior S. E. S. Posts lying vacant as on Dt. 31.7.2015. 11/08/2015 VIew Information as per file attached View nil nil nil nil nil nil
716 DOSEL/R/2015/62431 nil 1.Tell me the instruction you have given to Punjab Govt. to recruit teacher under RMSA. 2.Tell me the instruction you have given to Punjab Govt. to appoint RMSA teachers. whether the state appoint them as a regular teacher or on contract basis under RMSA society. 3.Tell me state/centre sharing pattern of salary of Punjab RMSA teachers during 2015-16 as per percentage and as per amount. 4.Tell me about the salary of Lab Attendants and Headmasters recruited under RMSA in Punjab state. 5.What are the instructions you have given to Punjab Govt. to appoint Lab attendant and Headmaster under RMSA. 6.PAB has not sanctioned the salaries of Lab attendants recruited under RMSA for the session 2015-16 now who will pay their salary during the session 2015-16. 10/08/2015 nil Information as per file attached View nil nil nil nil nil nil
717 DOSEL/R/2015/62422 nil 1.What guidelines regarding the appointment of the teachers under SSA and RMSA in Punjab were given to the Punjab Education Department by the MHRD Please clarify whether the former was directed by the later to appoint a contractual or regular cadre of teachers under SSA and RMSA 2.How much salary was proposed by the Punjab Education Department in the PAB meeting held in Feb, 2015 for the subject teachers working under RMSA in Punjab for academic session 2015-16 3.May I be given a xerox copy of the RMSA subject teachers salary proposal presented by the Punjab Education Department in the PAB meeting held in Feb, 2015 4.Who is the competent authority (Centre or State) to regularize the services of the several SSA and RMSA teachers working on the contractual basis in the Punjab Education Department 09/08/2015 nil Information as per file attached View nil nil nil nil nil nil
718 DOSEL/R/2015/62392 nil Sir, Provide me the following details. 1. Details of funds allocated to each state and union territories under ICT for education in Schools from the beginning of the scheme by the Government of India. 2. Details of the teaching and learning development programmes in schools under ICT for education by the government of India. 3. Initiatives taken by the government of India to enhance ICT enabled education in the country. 06/08/2015 nil Sir, Please find attached reply of your RTI application. View nil nil nil nil nil nil
719 DOSEL/R/2015/62251/3 nil Kindly provide communication between the Members of Parliament and the Department of School Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development Ministry From January 2015 till date. Please provide names of these Members of Parliament and the copy of communications between the Department of School Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development Ministry From January 2015 till date. 27/07/2015 nil In so far as RMSA-IV/VE Section is concerned, the following letters have been recieved from the M.P.s 1). Shri Om Prakash Yadav 2). Shri Ajay Tamta 3). Shri Dushyant Chautala. (Copies of letters sent to M.Ps are being attached herewith) View nil nil nil nil nil nil
720 DOSEL/R/2015/62180 nil 1.IF PAB PROVIDES 30500 RS FOR RMSA TEACHERS SALARY FOR 2015-16 and WHO WILL PROVIDES REMAININGFUND FOR PUNJAB TEACHERS BECAUSE PUNJAB GOVT. PROVIDES SALARY WITH 107% DA FOR RMSA TEACHERS IN PUNJAB 2. WHAT IS SHARING PATTERN OF RMSA TEACHER SALARY FOR PUNJAB and CENTRE GOVT. FOR 2015-16 21/07/2015 nil Reply as per file attached View DOSEL/A/2015/60310 PLS PROVIDES ME REPLY OF Q1. IF PAB PROVIDES 30500 RS. RMSA TEACHERS SALARY FOR 2015-16 (BUT IN 2014-15 PAB PROVIDES 35000 RS IN PUNJAB FOR RMSA TEACHERS) IN YOUR REPLY DATE MENTIONED 13/02/2014. I WANT INFORMATION OF 2015-16 AND WHO WILL PROVIDES REMAINING FUND FOR PUNJAB RMSA TEACHERS(CENTRE GOVT. OR PUNJAB GOVT) BECAUSE PUNJAB GOVT.PROVIDES SALARY WITH 107% DA FOR RMSA TEACHERS IN PUNJAB IN 2015-16 WHERE AS SSA TEACHERS IN PUNJAB ALSO GET 38200 RS SALARY WITH 107% DA IN 2015-16(SAME SERVICES CONDITIONS FOR SSA and RMSA ,SAME RECUITMENT IN PUNJAB) 07/08/2015 nil F.No.12-1/2015-RMSA-II/GH ORDER The appeal of Shri Inderpal Singh dated 07.08.2015 in respect of RTI application dated 21.07.2015 has gone through. The concerned CPIO has informed the appellant vide reply dated 06.08.2015. The reply is based on the available records in the possession of CPIO and appropriately replied with. 2. In case appellant is not satisfied with the reply he may appeal to Second Appellate Authority. Accordingly, the appeal is disposed off. S.L. Negi JS (RMSA-II/GH) and FAA nil
