Higher Education

Date Format DD/MM/YYYY
S. No. Request No Request Category Request Request Recevied Date Request Doc URL Request Reply Request Reply Doc URL Appeal Registration No Appeal Appeal Recevied Date Appeal Doc URL Appeal Reply Appeal Reply Doc URL
1581 DOHED/R/2016/54709/1 nil Hello Sir, I wish to know through this medium of RTI the information which I have questioned in the supporting document. Please find them and reply with correct information at the earliest. 12/12/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
1582 DOHED/R/2016/54716/2 nil What is the maximum age limit for the recruitment of Assistant Professor in IITs, NITs and IIITs 11/12/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
1583 DOHED/R/2016/54662/2 nil Respected PIO, Respected PIO, I, Milankumar Barai a citizen of India do hereby apply for the following information under Sec 6 (1) of the RTI Act: 1) Current infrastructure in Country can accomodate how much % of citizen to persue Graduation. (e.g. there are total 1000 citizen in India and willing to persue graduation, do we have enough infrastrucuture to accomodate all of them) 2) Do we have any plan for imporvement in above % by year 2020. Please provide target % we are trying to achive. 3) Please provide certified/true copies of the above information. 4) Please provide the First Appellate Authority contacts details. If you feel that the above requested information does not pertain to your department then please follow the provisions of Section 6(3) of the RTI Act, 2005. Regards 07/12/2016 nil I am to refer to your Request for Information under RTI Act 2005, received vide letter dated 25/01/2017 and to say that Dear Madam/Sir, This is to inform that your application has been received[dot] The information sought by you is not maintained by us[dot] We have forwarded the application to Shri Amit Kamal, Deputy Director (AISHE) with request to forward the information directly to you[dot] His e-mail Id is amit[dot]kamal[at]nic[dot]in and contact number is 011-26162924[dot] With regards[dot] View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
1584 DOHED/R/2016/81402 nil 1-Is there any recent circular regarding juma prayer for government employees. Kindly provide all circular.(latest and old) 2- on what ground some central universities and government schools has provided 1 hour relaxation for JUMA prayer. 3-If the circular provide relaxation to government employees for JUMA prayer,can it be denied by the government officials to provide relaxation. 4-Is there any provision of disciplinary action can be taken for not obeying circular. 05/12/2016 nil The information sought by you, in so far as records held under my control, is not available. The RTI application stands disposed of accordingly at my end. View nil nil nil View nil View
1585 DOHED/R/2016/54647 nil Please provide the following information under RTI Act 2005 1. Whether the selection of academic faculty in institute of higher education such as IIT are done by selection committee or by the Director. 2. During the academic faculty selection in Institutes of Higher Education such as IIT, is it the opinion of the majority of the selection committee members including the subject experts and the Head of the department that will have more weightage, or the opinion of the director who is chairman of selection committee (but not a subject expert) will have more weightage. 3. Does any of the members of the selection committee (including the chairman) have more powers or special power or vito power to ignore the opinion of the majority. 05/12/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
1586 DOHED/R/2016/81396 nil To The Office of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities Sarojini House 6 Bhagwan Dass Road New Delhi 110001 Respected Sir Madam please provide information about these some question 1 what fund is passed for the Accessible India Campaign to the development of educational institutes in India like IIT to make as much as accessible life for Person with Disability Please specify in brief 2 As per Persons With Disabilities Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation Act 1995 can a physically challenged Student demand for Accommodation as per His Her individual requirement in the Hostel of central government Institute like IIT 3 how many IITs have well-fare society for Physically challenged students 4 What are the Guideline is provided by Supreme Court of India to IITs for conducting Examination and classes for physically Challenged student 02/12/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
1587 DOHED/R/2016/81395 nil Respected Sir, I would like to seek information regarding OBC in matters of Public employment. Please find the attached PDF file. 01/12/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
1588 DOHED/R/2016/81395/1 nil Respected Sir, I would like to seek information regarding OBC in matters of Public employment. Please find the attached PDF file. 01/12/2016 nil Disposed of Your RTI application vide latter No. 16-7/2016(RTI-366)-TS.V dated 29.12.2016 View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
1589 DOHED/R/2017/50012 nil TO CENTRAL PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION SHASTRI BHAWAN RAJENDRA PRASAD ROAD NEW DELHI 110 001 Please find the attached application 31/12/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
1590 DOHED/R/2016/54908 nil HOW MANY UNDERGRADUATES IN IIT CONTINUED THEIR POST GRADUATION IN IIT 27/12/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
