Higher Education

Date Format DD/MM/YYYY
S. No. Request No Request Category Request Request Recevied Date Request Doc URL Request Reply Request Reply Doc URL Appeal Registration No Appeal Appeal Recevied Date Appeal Doc URL Appeal Reply Appeal Reply Doc URL
2281 DOHED/R/2016/51355 nil 1. What is the average amount of money spent on each student who graduates from one of the IITs\n2. What is the average amount of money spent on each student who graduates from a government medical college\n3. How is this cost calculated 24/04/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2282 DOHED/R/2016/51353/2 nil Respected Sir/ Madam,\n\nI, Dr. Ravi Kumar Singh Pippal, would like to know the minimum eligible criteria for the post of Assistant Professor in IITs, IIITs, NITs. As per MHRD guideline for implementation of 4-tier flexible faculty structure, the applicant need all through first class career. \n\nI belong to Scheduled Caste (SC) and got II division in my graduation (Bachelor of Engineering). Other than this, I secured more than 70% throughout my academic career (MTech, 12th, 10th). I would like to know whether I am eligible for applying for the post of Assistant Professor in these Institutes or not. \n\nMy academic details are as follows.\nPh.D. in January 2013 with one SCI publication (as per UGC 2009 Regulation)\nM.Tech. in 2008 with 71.2%\nB.E. in 2005 with 63.19% (II Division)\nHigher Secondary in 2001 with 76%\nHigh School in 1999 with 70.2%\n\nI shall be very thankful to you for this act of kindness and look forward for your positive and quick response. 24/04/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2283 DOHED/R/2016/51353/3 nil Respected Sir/ Madam,\n\nI, Dr. Ravi Kumar Singh Pippal, would like to know the minimum eligible criteria for the post of Assistant Professor in IITs, IIITs, NITs. As per MHRD guideline for implementation of 4-tier flexible faculty structure, the applicant need all through first class career. \n\nI belong to Scheduled Caste (SC) and got II division in my graduation (Bachelor of Engineering). Other than this, I secured more than 70% throughout my academic career (MTech, 12th, 10th). I would like to know whether I am eligible for applying for the post of Assistant Professor in these Institutes or not. \n\nMy academic details are as follows.\nPh.D. in January 2013 with one SCI publication (as per UGC 2009 Regulation)\nM.Tech. in 2008 with 71.2%\nB.E. in 2005 with 63.19% (II Division)\nHigher Secondary in 2001 with 76%\nHigh School in 1999 with 70.2%\n\nI shall be very thankful to you for this act of kindness and look forward for your positive and quick response. 24/04/2016 nil forward to all IIITs. Hence, disposed off. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2284 DOHED/R/2016/51337 nil To\nPublic Information Officer\nMinistry of Human Resource Management\nDepartment of Higher Education\n\nSubject: Need information regarding marks and admission criteria for the course titled Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics (PGDBA) offered together by IIT Kharagpur(VGSOM),ISI Kolkata and IIM Calcutta.\n\nDear Sir,\n\n1.Please disclose the exact weightage of written test, personal interview,work experience, academic background and all the other factors taken into account while deciding admission of students into the program for the batch of 2016-18.\n2.Please also disclose how the final calculation has been done using the scores of the concerned variables as mentioned.\n3.Please reveal the cutoff decided after making the said calculations.\n4.Please communicate the individual (scores of written test,personal interview,work experience,academic background,etc.) and final score details of the candidate with:\nApplication No. : 2016126411010 and Registration No.:300633.\n\nPlease find attached my passport as proof of Indian citizenship. 23/04/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2285 DOHED/R/2016/51346 nil Mr. J. Albert Xavier\nManager HR\nCentral Public Information Officer (CPIO)\nIndian Institute of Management\nVastrapur,\nAhmedabad - 380 015.\n\nDate 26 January 2016\n\nSub: Information seeking under Right to Information Act.\n\nRespected Sir/Madam,\nI am submitting this request exercising my RIGHT TO INFORMATION to provide me following information regarding candidates interviewed for PGP course of IIM Ahmedabad for the upcoming session 2016-18.\n1.Please provide composite score (i.e. CS or the score calculated before the interview) and the final composite score (i.e. FCS or the final score calculated after the interview) of the last candidates belonging to SC (Scheduled Caste) category who was given admission to the PGP course. \n2.Please also provide the same information for the last candidates belonging to SC (Scheduled Caste) category who was waitlisted for the PGP course. \n3.Lastly also provide my pre-interview and post-interview scores used for the admission process so that I am able to gauge my shortcomings for this course. Kindly mention my score in the interview and written ability test separately. \n\nKindly fulfil my request at the earliest.\n\nThanking you\nHarshdeep Sagar\nRoom no.73, Hostel no.2,\nBIT Mesra, Ranchi 23/04/2016 nil Disposed of your RTI application vide latter No. 16-7/2016(RTI-114)-TS.V dated 09.05.2016 View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2286 DOHED/R/2016/51334/6 nil On what basis reservations on education and job opportunities are allocated. I have seen many people scoring very low i their school exams yet getting opportunities in IITs and NITs etc. and getting placed at top PSUs. But students like me even putting our fullest hard work. We cannot get our dream college nor dream job. \nI need to know why the government fixed reservations on both education and job opportunities. They could have opted either reservation on education or reservation on job opportunities. Making reservation on both is really unfair. Because of this method many unfit candidates enter the government institutions with very little or no efforts and large crowd of eligible candidates are left behind. So these citizens leave our nation to find some other country which accepts and nurtures their talents. This makes our nation a large setback in competing with rest of the world. \nWe are proud in saying that about 30 percent of workforce in US is Indian origin. But thinking deeply in this issue we should be ashamed because we have lost a very huge crowd because of no recognition of their talents.\nI accept that government is wishing to uplift the economically weak people. But I dont find that these opportunities reach them instead they fall in the hands greedy people. When will the government make a look at these issues and when will be the corrective actions take place so that only eligible candidates have their opportunities. 23/04/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2287 DOHED/R/2016/51347/1 nil 1- Please refer to the case no as DSEHE/R/2016/03573 dated 21/04/2016 and DSEHE/R/2016/03663 dated 23/04/2016 and please provide me details of the action taken in these two case till date in certified form .\n\n2- Please provide me the details that when NIT as well as IITs are providing the travelling allowances and facilities of lodging and local taxi fare then why IIIT Allahabad is not considering the same for the Empowerment of the Person with Disabilities while all these comes under MHRD (GOI) . \n\n3- Please provide me details that why the interview that has been decided after the AIIMS PGMEE scheduled on the 8th of the May . JIPMER on 15th of May and UPSC is on 12th of June 2016 these all examination had been scheduled many months ago before IIIT Allahabad then why this forthcoming interview dated 7th of May may not be rescheduled once gain beyond the dates as I have mentioned above .\n\n4- Please provide me the certified copies of 100 point reservation roster for the Person with Disabilities in all kind of the recruitment at IIIT Allahabad since 1995 till date and necessary action taken by respondent for filling up the backlog vacancies for the PwD in all kind of the recruitment as per the order of the Apex Court of India .Is there there no provision of reservation for the PwD in the job post of Medical officer for which interview is scheduled on 7th of May . Why the details of the applicants as the no of applicants along with work experience has not been put in Public domain while UPSC put all these information in Public domain for the transparent recruitment proceeding . Please provide me the no of the applications received form the Gen/SC/ST/OBC/PwD candidates and out of those how many has been shortlisted for the interview along with the work experience of the applicants as well . \n Please send me information on my email I D as I have mentioned earlier that prevent the deforestation as well and a better and accessible way for a PwD information seeker . 23/04/2016 nil you RTI application has been forward to III Allahabad. hence dispose off. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2288 DOHED/R/2016/80470 nil Attested photo copy of all application forms, joining letters, document verification letters and all qualification certificate sent by speed post to given address:-\nName:- Arjun Singh S/o Sh[dot] Narayan singh\nR/o:- Shamsahbad\nPalwal-121102\nHaryana\nEmail_ godmistake007[at]gmail[dot]com 22/04/2016 nil Find the attachment herewith. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2289 DOHED/R/2016/80459 nil PLEASE GIVE INFORMATION FOR IIT BOMBAY HOSPITAL PHARMACY TENDER\n\nthe main authority is\nthe REGISTRAR MR. R PREMKUMAR FOR IIT BOMBAY HOSPITAL\nAND HE IS FINAL AUTHORITY FOR TENDER....\n\n1. on what basis the rules and eligibility criteria were changed for applicant for the pharmacy tender\n\nIIT POWAI, MUMBAI IS HAVING TENDER FOR\nAnnual Rate Contract for outsourcing Pharmacy of IIT Bombay Hospital\ntender submission date and result was on 23 march 2016\n\nbut it was re tender done on 25 april 2016\n\ngive details for points no 2, point no 3, point no 9 as per old tender dated 23 march 2016\n\n1.required establishment of pharmacy was min 5 years it was changed to 10 years...why changed to 10 years\n\n2. preference was given to mumbai and thane only ....why this point was removed\n\n3.turnover required was 2 crore per year.....why it was changed to 10 crore per year\n\nkindly provide information on given questions 22/04/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2290 DOHED/R/2016/51326 nil Please provide copy of Notesheet/ approval for granting Basic Pay of Rs 80000/- to the directors of IITs whereas same ranking VC of CUs are getting Basic pay of Rs 75000/-. 22/04/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) DOHED/A/2016/60209 No information as sought for has been received till date. 25/05/2016 View Reply attached. View (link is external)
