Higher Education

Date Format DD/MM/YYYY
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2521 DOHED/R/2016/50235/1 nil Ministry of Human Resource Development,\nShastri Bhavan New Delhi 110001\n\nSubject: Application for information under RTI act\n\nRespected Sir/Madam,\nPlease provide me the following information.\n1.Number & names of Vice Chancellors in all central universities belong to SC/ST category currently.\n2.Number & names of Registrars, Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors in all central universities and IIT/IIMs belong to SC/ST category currently.\n\n\nThank you 22/01/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2522 DOHED/R/2016/50231 nil To CPIO,\nMHRD\nDear Sir/Madam\nMyself Sandeep Khadatkar , presently pursuing M Tech, 1st Year from VNIT Nagpur.I belong to S.C. category. \nAlthough the SC/ST students are exempted from paying the tuition fee, our college is charging tuition fee from M Tech SC/ST students who have joined the college in the academic year 2015-16. \nQ 1 )Kindly reply in an unambiguous manner whether the M Tech SC/ST students have to pay the tuition fee or not\nQ 2)If the exemption for tuition fee for the M Tech SC/ST students is still applicable,then kindly mention the letter no. of the MHRD.\n\nThank You. 22/01/2016 nil SC/ST Cell, D/o Higher Education, M/o HRD had issued an O.M. No.14-5/2013-SC/ST dated 13.1.2014 for facilitating admission of deserving and eligible candidates facing financial constraint, wherein it is mentioned that No fees need be charged at the time of admission from those SC/ST students who are eligible for Post-Matric Scholarships/Top Class Scholarships. However, RTI application is being been transferred under Section 6(3) of RTI Act, 2005, to CPIO, M/o Social Justice & Empowerment, for supplying the information directly to you regarding eligibility for Post-Matric Scholarships/Top Class Scholarships. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2523 DOHED/R/2016/80080/2 nil respected sir/madam,\nwith due respectfully i want to know the percentage professor working in central universitty/nit/iit according to upper caste/obc/sc/st 20/01/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2524 DOHED/R/2016/50205 nil Dear Sir, This is with reference to the shortlisting of candidates for PGP 2016-18 declared by IIM Ahmedabad,bangalore,indore,luvknow,calcutta and Kozhikode on january 2016[dot] I wish to seek answers to the following queries as per the RTI act[dot]\n\n1[dot] I would like to know my pre WAT, GD-PI composite score with detailed break-up according to the admission policy of the above mentioned IIMs\n\n2[dot] What is the cut-off score for shortlistingfor Wat,PI into PGP 2016-18 in NC-OBC ,general and SC,ST category\n\n3[dot] How many candidates were given interview calls and how many are in waiting list in NC-OBC ,general and SC,ST category and what is my rank\n\n4[dot] What is the minimum CAT percentile of candidates in shortlisted lists in NC-OBC ,general and SC,ST category\n\nFollowing are my details[dot]\n\nName : NIKUNJ DAMANI\n\nCAT Reg no[dot] 5028061\n\nEmail id : nikunjdamani95[at]gmail[dot]com\n\nAddress: 24,N[dot]S[dot]Road,Liluah,Howrah-711204 19/01/2016 nil Replied vide letter No.16-7/2016(RTI-34)-TS.V dated 04.02.2016. The info sought pertains to IIMs Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Lucknow, Indore and Kozhikode. Therefore, the application has been sent to CPIO, IIMs Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Lucknow, Indore and Kozhikode for taking final action at their end. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2525 DOHED/R/2016/50193 nil Dear Respected Sir,\nI want info about all IIT(Indian institute of Technology) receive donation from their passout students(Alumani) - After 2000 to till now.\n\nThanks 19/01/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2526 DOHED/R/2016/50182 nil To,\nCPIO\nIIM Ahmedabad,\n\nI want to know the minimum final score ( which includes PI and WAT and Composite Score) among selected candidates for batch 2015-2017 for PGP Programme under SC Category.\n\nThanks,\nNeelesh Kumar 18/01/2016 nil RTI replied vide letter No.16-7/2016(RTI-26)-TS.V dated 03.02.2016. The info sought pertains to IIM Ahmedabad which is a separate independent public authority. Therefore, the application has been sent to CPIO, IIM Ahmedabad for taking final action at their end. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2527 DOHED/R/2016/80065 nil \n\nDear Sir/Madam,\nI request you to provide the information in below format relating to Finance Advisors and Finance Persons working in different Offices/ Ministries of Central Governments.\n\nS.No.NameDesignationQualificationsDepartment\n\nPlease note, above details are required for below mentioned categories/ Sections/ Cadres (A to G) and S.Nos (1 to 55) respectively.\n\nA.Indian Administrative service (IAS)\nB.Indian Revenue service (IRS)\nC.Indian Customs and Central Excise Service (IC&CES )\nD.Indian Railway Accounting Service\nE.Indian Defence Service\nF.Indian Civil Service\nG.Indian Post and Telegram Finance and Accounting service\n\n1.Prime Ministers Office (PMO)\n2.Ministry of Home Affairs (India)\n3.Ministry of Agriculture\n4.Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers (Including Pharmaceuticals)\n5.Ministry of Civil Aviation\n6.Ministry of Coal\n7.Ministry of Commerce and Industry/ Ministry of Business\n8.Ministry of Communications and Information Technology\n9.Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution\n10.Ministry of Corporate Affairs\n11.Ministry of Culture\n12.Ministry of Defence\n13.Ministry of Earth Sciences\n14.Ministry of Environment and Forests\n15.Ministry of External Affairs\n16.Ministry of Finance\n17.Ministry of Food Processing Industries\n18.Ministry of Health and Family Welfare\n19.Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises\n20.Paramilitary forces\n21.Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation\n22.Ministry of Human Resource Development\n23.Ministry of Information and Broadcasting\n24.Ministry of Labour and Employment\n25.Ministry of Law and Justice\n26.Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises\n27.Ministry of Mines\n28.Ministry of Minority Affairs\n29.Ministry of New and Renewable Energy\n30.Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs\n31.Ministry of Panchayati Raj\n32.Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs\n33.Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions\n34.Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas\n35.Ministry of Power\n36.Statutory Bodies, Commissions & Councils\n37.Ministry of Railways\n38.Ministry of Road Transport and Highways\n39.Ministry of Rural Development\n40.Ministry of Science & Technology\n41.Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment\n42.Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation\n43.Ministry of Steel\n44.Ministry of Textiles\n45.Ministry of Tourism\n46.Ministry of Tribal Affairs\n47.Ministry of Urban Development\n48.Ministry of Water Resources\n49.Ministry of Women and Child Development\n50.Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports\n51.Independent Departments\n52.Independent Agencies/Bodies\n53.Indian Intelligence Bureau\n54.Law enforcement Agencies\n55.Tribunals in India\n\nI request you to provide the full details in the mentioned format only.\n 18/01/2016 nil Please find the attachment. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2528 DOHED/R/2016/50177 nil To,\nCentral Public Information Officer (CPIO)\nIndian Institute of Management ,\nAhmedabad - 380 015[dot]\nPhone: 91-079-6632 4111 (Office)\nEmail: pio[at]iimahd[dot]ernet[dot]in\n\nSir/Mam,\nAs CAT 2015 is organised by IIM Ahmedabad, I want to know the number of candidates securing more than 91[dot]50 overall percentile[dot] Please provide the data category wise i[dot]e[dot] separately for General, NC-OBC, SC, ST, and PD category[dot]\n\nAlso please provide the scaled total marks for given below overall percentile[dot]\n92 overall percentile\n93 overall percentile\n94 overall percentile \n95 overall percentile, \n96 overall percentile, \n97 overall percentile, \n98 overall percentile,\n99 overall percentile and \n100 overall percentile[dot]\n\nThanks[dot] 17/01/2016 nil RTI replied vide letter No.16-7/2016(RTI-24)-TS.V dated 03.02.2016. The info sought pertains to IIM Ahmedabad which is a separate independent public authority. Therefore, the application has been sent to CPIO, IIM Ahmedabad for taking final action at their end. View (link is external) DOHED/A/2016/60207 It is ti say that I have got no reply from CPIO, IIM Ahmedabad about the details I have asked after my RTI has been transferred to them.\nPlease look into the matter 24/05/2016 View Reply is attached vide letter no. 16/31/2016-TS.V dated 16/06/2016. View (link is external)
2529 DOHED/R/2016/50181 nil The RTI request is directed to Public Information Officer, IIM Bangalore[dot]\n\n1[dot] What is the criteria for shortlisting of general category candidates for Interview in PGP 2016-18 admissions [dot]\n\n2[dot] What is the minimum cut off in the cumulative score for the shortlisting of candidates for Interview in PGP 2016-18 admissions for general category candidates[dot]\n\n3[dot] What was the cumulative score as well as individual scores in various components so considered under the selection criteria for the interview in PGP 2016-18 admissions for the following candidate[dot]\n\nName: Venkatesh Chaturvedi\nApplication Number: 5062796\nEmail: venkatesh[dot]chaturvedi123[at]gmail[dot]com\nDate of Birth : 23/09/1993 17/01/2016 nil RTI replied vide letter No.16-7/2016(RTI-25)-TS.V dated 03.02.2016. The info sought pertains to IIM Bangalore which is a separate independent public authority. Therefore, the application has been sent to CPIO, IIM Bangalore for taking final action at their end. View (link is external) DOHED/A/2016/60067 The RTI application filed on 17th January 2016 received a reply from Department of Higher Education stating that the RTI application pertains to IIM Bangalore and the application was forwarded to PIO of IIM Bangalore on 3rd February 2016. \n\nNo reply from IIM Bangalore has been received till date (20th February 2016). I request the application be addressed to as soon as possible. 20/02/2016 View Reply is attached vide letter no. 16/31/2016-TS.V dated 16/06/2016. View (link is external)
2530 DOHED/R/2016/50179 nil Please find attached my application seeking information as per provisions of Section 7(1) of the RTI act 17/01/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
