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DOHED/R/2019/51422 |
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list of all students with raw marks against percentile score recieved in NTA exam for jee mains 2019. |
16-06-2019 |
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DOHED/R/2019/51421 |
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Dear Sir/Madam,
Please refer to the uploaded supporting document which is the response of my RTI Application (Registration No.: DOHED/R/2019/51120). It says-With- respect to the Information sought, it is stated that the complaint (Ref.No.:71185/2017/vigilance- 9) was forwarded to Technical Bureau, MHRD vide this Ministrys OM no.C-13011/32/2017- Vig. dated 10th
January, 2018, for necessary action at their end. A copy of the aforesaid OM and the Note portion is enclosed herewith.
Please let me know the action taken by Technical Bureau, MHRD after receiving OM no.C-13011/32/2017- Vig. dated 10th
January, 2018.
In this regard, please also let me the following.
1) If any response from IIT Guwahati was sought, then provide a copy of the letter which was sent to IIT Guwahati seeking their response.
2) If any response was provided by IIT Guwahati, then please provide a copy of the response.
3) Please let me know the action taken on the complaint of Dr. Brijesh Kumar Rai and also the current status of the complaint.
Brijesh |
16-06-2019 |
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DOHED/R/2019/80747 |
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17-06-2019 |
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DOHED/R/2019/51429 |
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Dear Sir/Madam,
Please see the uploaded supporting document. It contain email by which complaint was sent to the Regsitrar, IIT Guwahati with cc to the Director, IIT Guwahati and MHRD Secretary. The uploaded supporting document also contains complaint letter and RTI application and its reply. In this context, please provide me the following information:
1) Please let me know the date wise action taken on the complaint by MHRD.
2) Please let me know whether MHRD has made any communication/letter to IIT Guwahati regarding my complaint. If yes, please provide me a copy of the letter and also the response given by IIT Guwahati to MHRD on that.
Sujeet Swami |
17-06-2019 |
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115 |
DOHED/R/2019/80739/5 |
nil |
Report the state-wise population of disabled people in the country
In the last five years, how many disabled people got government jobs, give state wise information
In the last five years, any loans given to the disabled by the government, give state wise information
In the last five years, prosthesis given to the disabled, state wise information
In the last five years, any ordinance for disabled, which has to be passed in the Parliament and is pending for long
In the last five years, Development in the educational qualification of the disabled
In the last five years, What percentage increase in disability pension
In the last five years, Disciplinary pension is available to the number of disabled, state wise data |
17-06-2019 |
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116 |
DOHED/R/2019/90060/6 |
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kindly provide available information, if any, directly to the applicant. |
17-06-2019 |
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117 |
DOHED/R/2019/80744 |
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1. Mention the NTA UGC NET cut off for Management subject for December 2018.
2. Mention the NTA UGC NET syllabus for Management subject.
3. Mention the NTA UGC NET question paper for Management subject for December 2018.
4. Mention the total number of student enrolled for Management subject for December 2018.
5. Mention the total number of student appeared for exam in Management subject for December 2018.
6. Attach the copy of new exam rules issued by NTA UGC NET.
7. Mention total numbers of students achieved cutoff for Management subject for December 2018.
8. Mention how many exams are conducted by NTA UGC NET and marks pattern.
9. NTA UGC NET for management subject exam will be conducted how many times in a year.
10. Mention the NTA UGC NET cut off for Management subject for June 2019.
11. Mention the NTA UGC NET syllabus for Management subject for June 2019.
12. Mention the NTA UGC NET question paper for Management subject for June 2019.
13. Mention the total number of student enrolled for Management subject for June 2019.
14. Mention the total number of student appeared for exam in Management subject for June 2019.
15. Attach the copy of new exam rules issued by NTA UGC NET for June 2019..
16. Mention total numbers of students achieved cutoff for Management subject for June 2019.
17. Mention how many times exams are conducted by NTA UGC NET in a year.
18. Mention for how many years UGC NET if qualified valid.
19. Mention the maximum age for junior research fellowship.
20. Mention the maximum age for Assistant professor. |
17-06-2019 |
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DOHED/R/2019/80740 |
nil |
I like to bring your kind attention to this urgent matter to seek the needed information in point 1 and 2 below.
The Issue at hand :
IIT Bhubaneswar advertises Recruitment ADVERTISEMENT No. Rectt./01 /Non-Teaching/2018 Dated 09.05.2018 for various posts. ( Advt attached ) This is with regard to the post of Junior Hindi Translator (Level 6) on Regular appointment basis in it.
On calling the recruitment cell many times, they finally picked up the call on 11 June 2019. It was informed on call that they ( IIT ) already conducted the recruitment exam for the post of Junior Hindi Translator. They said, they intimated shortlisted candidates via emails and conducted the recruitment for the said post.
Point to be noted. IIT NEVER made public the list of candidates shortlisted for the recruitment exam for the post of Junior Hindi translator EVER nor how many applied for the post nor the method of shortlisting nor when the exams will be conducted or ever conducted, on their website.
Thus there were no communications made by IIT to the candidates not selected about the above details in any other means. Meaning, there was no way of knowing who applied, who shortlisted, when the exam was conducted. Even today, there is no document of exam being conducted for this post on their website.
When asked, why no information regarding exam conduction is given on the website, they said, it is our choice whether we want to disclose that or not.
So please enlight.
1.) Is this method of recruitment via a total lack of transparency is legal and acceptable.
2.) If not, then please provide the rules which IIT Bhubaneswar violated by adopting such a hidden method of recruitment.
Sincerely, |
17-06-2019 |
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DOHED/R/2019/51432 |
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Dear Sir
I, M. ANIL KUMAR NAIK, son of Sreeram Naik want to state that regarding the NEET marks calculation and the variations in the key and final results of many NEET written students. Respected officials this pain of NEET marks is regarding my brother and his future.
He went for the third time long term with hopes of getting MBBS seat.
However, finally after he wrote the NEET with many hopes he checked the official key of NTA he scored 495 but final results show like 312 marks.. One more thing they had not provided subject wise marks but percentages if score and gave the final score... How come this marking is acceptable to students without knowing how much they got in individual subjects.... My brother was collapsed with that results and tried to take the extreme step... But we as a family stopped him... If NTA feels that much true and transparent then at least provide me my brother OMR sheet of NEET xam to my mail ... I would like to know on behalf of many unvoiced voices in India... Where the fault lies what had gone wrong and made the students life blank.
Kindly provide me the detail and the information under, RTI act 2005.
As per section 6(3) of the RTI Act 2005, In case, the requested information is held by another public authority, I request the PIO to transfer the application or part of it within FIVE days and immediately inform me about such transfer.
As per section 7(8)(iii) and 7(3)(ii) of the RTI Act 2005, I request the PIO to
Inform me of the particulars of First Appellate Authority |
17-06-2019 |
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DOHED/R/2019/51433/1 |
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Request as per attachment |
17-06-2019 |
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