Higher Education

Date Format DD/MM/YYYY
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2501 DOHED/R/2016/50061 nil TO\nThe Director \nIIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, Midnapore\npin- 721302\n\nSubject:- Intolerance.\n\nDear\nSir,\nHave a nice day,\nI hope you are well there , \nI want to ask some question under act RTI 2005, \ni have done my M.Tech from IIT Kgp, in Mathematics Department , Course is CSDP & Roll no- 13MA60R15,\nI joined the IIT on 15/07/2013 only to get good marks in my profile because i born in a backward area so i got bad marks then i decided first get good marks in the course then complete my Phd from IIT/IIsc so i did not go single day to my home duration the course .i was dedicated to get the good knowledge and marks, but i got negative feedback from IIT Kgp , reason is :- the department gave me bad grade even i was average student in my class so i wrote 5 times RTI to the department for the query and send separate message to prof. A.G goswami, Prof Pawan Kumar, Prof Sourav Mukhopadhyay, Prof Debjani Chakerbarty , and i also send separate message to PG Section for sending my Scholarship of the month june 2015, but i got negative response even i send a suicide note to IIT Kgp on the month of july 2015, but they did not take any action, so my question are :-\n\n1. Where is the caution money 2013-2015 M.Tech Course.\n\n2. where is the money which is in M.M.M. Hall budget, because when we completed our course (2015) then the MMM Hall decided that they will send 2000 rupees to each student because the total budget in the mess was low than total charge of the food items.\n\n3. Why i did not get response from the department for the question :-why i got less grade in my class even i published my paper.\n\n4. Why i did not get the scholarship of the month june 2015 to publish my paper.\n\nThis is Intolerance , I have written the same letter under RTI Act 2005 to IIT Kharagpur but i did not get response , if the Indian Law will not work for the matter so please explain that \n should i take the law in my hand.\n\nThanks \nI hope i will get positive response in my 6th RTI Act.\n\nyour Student\nYogash Chandra Joshi\nPhone - 8967669366 . 06/01/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2502 DOHED/R/2016/50055 nil Sir,\n I want the following information regarding Admission Process in the PGP 2015-17 program of IIM Bangalore.\nMarks awarded to Peeyush Agrawal Sr. No 4177020 in the following sections, and the marks of the last person (merit number wise) admitted in your institute from each category (General, SC, ST, OBC, PH) for the said program:\nDetails\nMarks awarded to 4177020 & Highest Marks in the following sections\nCAT score: \nWritten assessment Test :\nPersonal interview: \nAcademic Profile: \nWork Experience: \nTotal :\nRank in the General Category of Roll no. 4177020 \n 05/01/2016 nil RTI replied vide letter No.16-7/2016(RTI-16)-TS.V dated 03.02.2016. The info sought pertains to IIM Bangalore which is a separate independent public authority. Therefore, the application has been sent to CPIO, IIM Bangalore for taking final action at their end. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2503 DOHED/R/2016/50039 nil Sir,\n I want the following information regarding Admission Process in the PGP 2015-17 program of IIM Bangalore.\nMarks awarded to Peeyush Agrawal Sr. No 4177020 in the following sections, and the marks of the last person (merit number wise) admitted in your institute from each category (General, SC, ST, OBC, PH) for the said program:\nDetails of Marks awarded to 4177020 and Highest Marks in following sections\nCAT score: \nWritten assessment Test \nPersonal interview: \nAcademic Profile: \nWork Experience: \nTotal Marks\nAlso provide, the rank in the General Category for 4177020.\n 05/01/2016 nil RTI replied vide letter No.16-7/2016(RTI-15)-TS.V dated 03.02.2016. The info sought pertains to IIM Bangalore which is a separate independent public authority. Therefore, the application has been sent to CPIO, IIM Bangalore for taking final action at their end. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2504 DOHED/R/2016/50033 nil I want to know about by the interview for the post of junior technical assistantadvt no.09/2015 in school of biology at IISER Thiruvananthapauram an institution under MHRD . Interview is scheduled on 29/01/2016. 5 candidates were short listed for the interview 1. How many applications received for this post.2. How many candidates applied has the notified experience and qualifications. 3. Out if 5 candidates short listed possess notifified qualification. Provide their experience certificate copy.4.what is the selection criteria. Attached with is the notification for the post 05/01/2016 nil Replied vide letter No.43/1/2016(RTI-4)-TS.VII dated 04.02.2016. The info sought pertains to IISER Thiruvananthapuram. Therefore, the application is being sent to CPIO, IISER Thiruvananthapuram for taking final action at their end. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2505 DOHED/R/2016/50028 nil Respected Central Public Information Officer,\n\nPlease provide me below requested information, as per the Right to Information Act 2005, section 6(I)[dot] As per the RTI act Section 7(I) and section 2(J)(II), kindly send this at the earliest or within 30 days, through the certified copies at address specified in this application or through e-mail at gupta1_amit[at]yahoo[dot]com[dot]\n\n1) For years 2011 through 2015, please provide state-wise distribution (for all states of India) of number of male/female students appearing for IIT JEE Mains Exam[dot]\n\n2) For years 2011 through 2015, please provide district-wise distribution (for all districts of India) of number of male/female students appearing for IIT JEE Mains[dot]\n\n3) For years 2011 through 2015, please provide number of male/female students with residential address in Kolkata appearing for IIT JEE Mains[dot]\n\n4) For years 2011 through 2015, please provide name of top 25 schools of Kolkata which had most number of students appearing for IIT JEE Mains[dot]\n\n5) For years 2011 through 2015, please provide state-wise distribution of number of male/female students appearing for IIT-JEE Mains who had chosen HINDI as medium for exam paper[dot] \n\n6) For years 2011 through 2015, please provide state-wise distribution of number of male/female students appearing for IIT-JEE Mains who had chosen ENGLISH as medium for exam paper[dot]\n\n7) For years 2011 through 2015, please provide state-wise distribution of number of male/female students appearing for IIT-JEE Mains who were from RURAL area[dot]\n\n8) For years 2011 through 2015, please provide state-wise distribution of number of male/female students appearing for IIT-JEE Mains who were from URBAN area[dot]\n\n9)For years 2011 through 2015, please provide state-wise distribution of number of male/female students appearing for IIT-JEE Mains who chose PEN & PAPER based exam[dot]\n\n10) For years 2011 through 2015, please provide state-wise distribution of number of male/female students appearing for IIT-JEE Mains who chose COMPUTER based exam[dot]\n\n11) For years 2011 through 2015, please provide state-wise distribution of number of male/female students appearing for IIT-JEE Mains whose mode of preparation was COACHING[dot]\n\n12) For years 2011 through 2015, please provide state-wise distribution of number of male/female students appearing for IIT-JEE Mains whose mode of preparation was CORRESPONDENCE[dot]\n\n13) For years 2011 through 2015, please provide state-wise distribution of number of male/female students appearing for IIT-JEE Mains whose mode of preparation was INDIVIDUAL TUTION[dot]\n\n14) For years 2011 through 2015, please provide joint distribution of number of male/female students appearing for IIT-JEE Mains, where factors for joint distribution are STATE OF RESIDENCE (e[dot]g[dot] West Bengal) and GUARDIAN\nTOTAL INCOME (e[dot]g 1lakh-2lakh)[dot]\n\nThank you\nAmit Gupta 04/01/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2506 DOHED/R/2016/80006 nil I appeared for GATE 2006 exam in Electronics and communication branch.I request you to please give following information about this paper :\n1. How many students appeared in GATE 2006 Electronics and communication branch paper..\n2. Was Gate scorecard sent only to qualified students or to everyone who appeared in the exam\n3. In total how many students were given Gate 2006 scorecard for electronics and communication paper.\nI would be highly thankful to IIT kharagpur for sharing this information. 04/01/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2507 DOHED/R/2016/50019/1 nil SIR\n 1 Is it fact that on instruction of Ministry ,IIT/ NIT refunded the fee to those who have either not joined or withdrawan after joining the course in academic year 2015-16 \n2 If there are same business rules for NIT & IIT any specific guidelines issued by Ministry not to refund fee for student of IIT who joined and left the institution before cut off date of withdrawal from course as IIT Varanasi is not refunding our fee .\n3 Reasons for not holding spot round by IIT , which kept hundreds of seat vacant in IIT,and secondly doing injustice for non refunding of our fee who could not get preferred course though we withdraw well before cut off date of degistration.fixed by IIT Varanasi\n4 Is IIT is exempted from Circular issued by UNIVERSITY GRANT COMMISSION NEW DELHI under No F NO. 1-3/2007(CPP-II)dated 23/4/2007 for refund of fee 03/01/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2508 DOHED/R/2016/50012 nil 1.After MHRD NMEICT Plan Scheme launch in 2009, how many Senior Consultants were engaged for the NMEICT project. Please give the names and dates since each of them was engaged. \n2.Out of 1. above, please give the names of Senior Consultants engaged for NMEICT Project who continued till 17.09.2015.\n3.Please give the names of Senior Consultants whose contract was terminated and who were relieved w.e.f. 17.09.2015 (AN), with reasons for premature termination of their on-going contract before completion of their full contract term till 31.03.2016. Was Honble HRD Ministers office involved for such decision.\n4.Was Mr Pradeep Kaul one of the Senior Consultants relieved on 17.09.2015 AN If yes, then the grounds on which he continued to attend MHRD office at Shastri Bhawan from 18.09.2015 onwards may be given.\n5.The level of the authority that approved the continuation of term of Mr Pradeep Kaul as Senior Consultant beyond 17.09.2015 may be given. Was Honble HRD Ministers office involved for such decision on continuation of Mr Pradeep Kaul even after his getting relieved on 17.09.2015\n6.Reasons for non-continuation of other Senior Consultant(s) who were relieved on 17.09.2015 along with Mr Pradeep Kaul.\n7.What is Mr Pradeep Kauls status now If he is appointed again as Senior Consultant, then what is the date of start of his fresh engagement Was a fair process of selection and appointment --open to other candidates - followed\n8.Whats the term of present contract of Mr Pradeep Kaul as Senior Consultant\n 02/01/2016 nil Reply has been sent vide letter dated 29.01.2016 and copy is attached. View (link is external) DOHED/A/2016/60079 As per section 6(3) of the RTI Act 2005, In case, the requested information is\nheld by another public authority, the PIO is supposed to transfer the application or part\nof it within FIVE days and immediately inform the applicant about such transfer. However I received the intimation about transfer of my application for answering part of my queries by EdCIL only on 01.02.2016 giving link to PIOs letter dated 29.01.2016 answering a portion of my query, and transferring to EdCIL for remaining queries.\n\nI have not yet received any reply from EdCIL or PIO for the unanswered queries on my RTI application filed on 02.01.16 even after 53 days of my filing the application. Please expedite. 24/02/2016 View Appeal has been disposed off vide Order dated 14.03.2016. A copy of the Order is attached. View (link is external)
2509 DOHED/R/2016/80001/1 nil 1.Kindly provide the copy of directive to central government autonomous institutions like NIT,IIT,IIMs for framing recruitment & promotion policy.\n2.Is it mandatory for central government autonomous institutions like NIT,IIT,IIMs to follow the same recruitment & promotion policy.\n3.If answer to Question 2 is NO, please provide the copy of directive in this regard.\n4.Whether the central government autonomous institutions like NIT,IIT,IIMs can change the promotion criteria of Group C employees based on their experience and qualification. 01/01/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2510 DOHED/R/2016/50001 nil To,\n\nThe Central Public Information Officer\nIndian Institute of Technology Kanpur\nKanpur-208016 (Uttar Pradesh), India\nTele: 91-512-2596413, 2597728\nFax: 91-512-2590465\nE-Mail: cpio[at]iitk[dot]ac[dot]in\n\nRespected Sir,\n\n\nPlease provide the following information under RTI ACT\n\n(a) Certified copy of Rules or procedure to be followed to allow the extension of deputation for teaching staff of IIT Kanpur, beyond 5 years[dot]\n\n(b) Certified copy of extension letter/order granting deputation to Prof[dot] Rajat Moona of CSE department of IIT Kanpur, beyond 5 years[dot]\n\nc) Certified copy of the DOPT rules/procedures/orders followed for the extension of deputation of Shri[dot] Rajat Moona, CSE department IIT Kanpur beyond 5 Years[dot]\n\nd) If DOPT Office memorandums related to Deputation are not applicable to IIT Kanpur, Kindly provide me the certified copy of the orders, which exempts IIT Kanpur from following DOPT orders[dot]\n\nd) List of teaching staffs who have been granted extension of deputation beyond 5 years from Jan 2000 to Jan 2016[dot]\n\ne) List of teaching staffs who have not been granted extension of deputation beyond 5 years from Jan 2000 to Jan 2016[dot] Certified copy of the rejection letters of them[dot]\n\nNote: \n\n1) To the best of my knowledge, the above desired information does not relate to Section 8 & 9 of the Act, which is exempted from disclosure[dot]\n\n2) Since I am planning to proceed legally after getting these documents[dot] It would be very much helpful for me if the CPIO provides me the requested documents at the earliest[dot]\n\nThanking You\nPaul Alan 01/01/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
