Higher Education

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2451 DOHED/R/2016/80239/1 nil Date: February 25, 2016\nTo, \nThe PIO, \nDept. of Personal Training, \nDoPT, New Delhi\nSubject: Regarding following information under RTI Act 2005. \nDear Sir, \nPlease provide the following information under RTI Act, 2005. \n1. Whether Mr. R D Sahay EX Jt. Secretary, Govt. of India has been empanelled to conduct Departmental Enquiries in the Ministry / Dept. of Higher Education, MHRD, New Delhi in accordance with DOP&T OM no. F. No.142/40/2015-AVD-I dt. 7.1.2016.\n2. Copy of the application filed by Mr. R D Sahay for being appointed as Inquiry Officer.\n3. Date of retirement and position held by Shri R D Sahay at the time of his retirement from service.\n4. Copy of empanelment order vide which Sh. R.D. Sahay has been empanelled to conduct Department Inquiries. \nPlease reply online/offline both. \n\n\nThanking you. \n\nSincerely yours\n \nAjay K Chaubey\nCitizen of India\nNIT, Uttarakhand 26/02/2016 nil C-21011/16/2016-Vig dated 07.03.2016 View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2452 DOHED/R/2016/80239 nil Date: February 25, 2016\nTo, \nThe PIO, \nDept. of Personal Training, \nDoPT, New Delhi\nSubject: Regarding following information under RTI Act 2005. \nDear Sir, \nPlease provide the following information under RTI Act, 2005. \n1. Whether Mr. R D Sahay EX Jt. Secretary, Govt. of India has been empanelled to conduct Departmental Enquiries in the Ministry / Dept. of Higher Education, MHRD, New Delhi in accordance with DOP&T OM no. F. No.142/40/2015-AVD-I dt. 7.1.2016.\n2. Copy of the application filed by Mr. R D Sahay for being appointed as Inquiry Officer.\n3. Date of retirement and position held by Shri R D Sahay at the time of his retirement from service.\n4. Copy of empanelment order vide which Sh. R.D. Sahay has been empanelled to conduct Department Inquiries. \nPlease reply online/offline both. \n\n\nThanking you. \n\nSincerely yours\n \nAjay K Chaubey\nCitizen of India\nNIT, Uttarakhand 26/02/2016 nil Please find the attachment. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2453 DOHED/R/2016/50642 nil Please provide all the information in pdf format as per the section 11 of chapter 1:\n11. A citizen has a right to obtain information from a public authority in the form of diskettes, floppies, tapes, video cassettes or in any other electronic mode of letter no No. 1/32/2013-IR\nGovernment of India\nMinistry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions\nDepartment of Personnel & Training\n\nAll the information asked is for Indian Institute of technology, BHU(Banaras Hindu University)\n\nPlease provide Information under the RTI act 2005 and please refer to the supporting documents for the rest part of application\n\nAll the information asked is for Indian Institute of technology, BHU\n\n1. Please provide me the information duly signed and verified about the number of students residing in every hostel. Please provide about the number of chairs, tables and tea tables in every hostel of IIT BHU.\n2. Please provide the number of bathrooms in each hostel duly signed and verified by the authorized officers.\n3. Please provide the detailed report of expenditure on the maintenance of each hostel in for last 10 years month wise duly signed by the authorized officers.\n4. Please provide the detailed report of expenditure done in each hostel for health and sanitation purposes duly signed by the authorized officers.\n5. Please provide the detailed report of expenditure done in each hostel for pure drinking water duly signed by the authorized officers.\n6. Please provide the detailed report with report about the drinking water quality in each hostel duly signed by the authorized officers.\n7. Please provide the detailed report of each and every sweepers, carpenters, electrician, plumber, security guards with their names, salary, photographs, undertaking taken at the time of recruitment, and their service contract duly signed by the authorized officers.\n8. Please provide the detailed report of the working hour of sweepers, carpenters, electrician, plumber in seven days of week.\n9. Please provide the copy of degrees of each and every teaching staff, and non-teaching staff from their 10th class certificate to highest degree duly signed and verified by the authorized officers.\n10. Please provide the code of conduct and code ethics of teaching and non-teaching staff duly signed and verified by the authorized officers.\n11. Please provide the detailed report and receipts of all the expenditure of funds provided for sports activities for last 10 years duly signed by the authorized officers.\n12. Please provide the detailed report and receipts of all the expenditure of funds provided for library for last 10 years duly signed by the authorized officers.\n13. Please provide the detailed report and receipts of all the expenditure of funds provided for all the technical and cultural fests activities for last 10 years duly signed by the authorized officers.\n\ncontinued in supporting documents 26/02/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2454 DOHED/R/2016/50641 nil Please provide all the information in pdf format as per the section 11 of chapter 1:\n11. A citizen has a right to obtain information from a public authority in the form of diskettes, floppies, tapes, video cassettes or in any other electronic mode of letter no No. 1/32/2013-IR\nGovernment of India\nMinistry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions\nDepartment of Personnel & Training\n\nAll the information asked is for Indian Institute of technology Kanpur\n\nPlease provide Information under the RTI act 2005 and please refer to the supporting documents for the rest part of application\n\nAll the information asked is for Indian Institute of technology, Kanpur\n\n1. Please provide me the information duly signed and verified about the number of students residing in every hostel. Please provide about the number of chairs, tables and tea tables in every hostel of mnnit.\n2. Please provide the number of bathrooms in each hostel duly signed and verified by the authorized officers.\n3. Please provide the detailed report of expenditure on the maintenance of each hostel in for last 10 years month wise duly signed by the authorized officers.\n4. Please provide the detailed report of expenditure done in each hostel for health and sanitation purposes duly signed by the authorized officers.\n5. Please provide the detailed report of expenditure done in each hostel for pure drinking water duly signed by the authorized officers.\n6. Please provide the detailed report with report about the drinking water quality in each hostel duly signed by the authorized officers.\n7. Please provide the detailed report of each and every sweepers, carpenters, electrician, plumber, security guards with their names, salary, photographs, undertaking taken at the time of recruitment, and their service contract duly signed by the authorized officers.\n8. Please provide the detailed report of the working hour of sweepers, carpenters, electrician, plumber in seven days of week.\n9. Please provide the copy of degrees of each and every teaching staff, and non-teaching staff from their 10th class certificate to highest degree duly signed and verified by the authorized officers.\n10. Please provide the code of conduct and code ethics of teaching and non-teaching staff duly signed and verified by the authorized officers.\n11. Please provide the detailed report and receipts of all the expenditure of funds provided for sports activities for last 10 years duly signed by the authorized officers.\n12. Please provide the detailed report and receipts of all the expenditure of funds provided for library for last 10 years duly signed by the authorized officers.\n13. Please provide the detailed report and receipts of all the expenditure of funds provided for all the technical and cultural fests activities for last 10 years duly signed by the authorized officers.\n\ncontinued in supporting documents 26/02/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2455 DOHED/R/2016/50632/1 nil I want to know following details\n\n01 All Indian Institute of Technology recruitment process in detail like age education qulification with pay band and gp etc like New and old IITs\nA Faculty all post\nB Non faculty all post\n02 All Indian Institute of Technology sanction post in each departments for faculty and nonfaculty with pay band and gp like New and old IITs\n03 All Indian Institute of Technology in recruitment process interview excluded and interview included in detail like New and old IITs and all NITs\n as per government of India 1st January 2016 rule class B class C and class D no Interview 26/02/2016 nil reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2456 DOHED/R/2016/50631 nil Date: February 25, 2016\nTo, \nThe PIO, \nDept. of Higher Education, \nMHRD, New Delhi\nSubject: Regarding following information under RTI Act 2005. \nDear Sir, \nPlease provide the following information under RTI Act, 2005. \n1. Whether Mr. R D Sahay EX Jt. Secretary, Govt. of India has been empanelled to conduct Departmental Enquiries in the Ministry / Dept. of Higher Education, MHRD, New Delhi in accordance with DOP&T OM no. F. No.142/40/2015-AVD-I dt. 7.1.2016.\n2. Copy of the application filed by Mr. R D Sahay for being appointed as Inquiry Officer.\n3. Date of retirement and position held by Shri R D Sahay at the time of his retirement from service.\n4. Copy of empanelment order vide which Sh. R.D. Sahay has been empanelled to conduct Department Inquiries. \nPlease reply online/offline both. \n\n\nThanking you. \n\nSincerely yours\n \nAjay K Chaubey\nCitizen of India\nNIT, Uttarakhand 25/02/2016 nil Please find the attachment with respect to your RTI. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2457 DOHED/R/2016/80222 nil 1. Reasons for not conducting convocation for the batch of 2011-2015 B.Tech and 2013-2015 M.Tech (graduating classes of 2015) by IIT Jodhpur\n\n2. Details of calls made to confirm postal address of students of graduating class of 2015 at IIT Jodhpur to dispatch degrees by post.\n\n3. Minutes of Academic Senate meetings which took the decision to not conduct convocation and instead send degrees of graduating class of 2015 at IIT Jodhpur by post.\n\n4. Minutes of any Board of Governors meetings which ratified the decision to not conduct convocation and instead send degrees of graduating class of 2015 at IIT Jodhpur by post.\n\n5. Details of requests, if any, related to degrees/provisional degrees made by students (telephonic, email, letters) of graduating class of 2015 at IIT Jodhpur , from 1-April-2015 to date.\n\n6. Details of any prior communication in this regard from IIT Jodhpur to MHRD/DoHEd 22/02/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2458 DOHED/R/2016/50574 nil Hi,\nI need following information regarding IIT Kanpur:\ni) Direct funding (for any purpose) provided by MHRD to IIT Kanpur (all departments) (Year 2014-2015)\n\nii) Number of papers published in international journals all departments (year 2014-2015)\n\niii) Cost and technical details of purchased new instruments/equipments (costing more than 20000 Rs) being used in different laboratories/workshops all departments (year 2014-2015)\n\nThanks for your info. 21/02/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2459 DOHED/R/2016/50589 nil 1) How much money the govt. is spending on an individual student who is studying in every IITs till completion if his entire course \n\n2) How much money did the govt. spent money for IIT students every year for individual person for the respective departments he choosen, since past 5 years (2010-2015)\n\n 3) How many IIT students are working under the govt. department who studied by the funds given by govt. \n\n4) Can I have answers and supporting documents for the above questions. 20/02/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2460 DOHED/R/2016/50581 nil 1. What is the progress about the E mail sent to additional secretary (technical education), department of higher education, MHRD dated 8 October 2015 regarding the change of mentorship and campus of IIIT Srirangam TIRUCHIRAPPALLI.\n2 . Complete details about funds that have been sanctioned for each domain (library, lab equipment, Technical and Cultural Fests, Sports, Mess, Hostel facilities, furniture and other basic amenities) regarding development of IIIT Srirangam TIRUCHIRAPPALLI by the government and industry partner. \n3. Despite the fact that land has been allotted three years ago for the construction of permanent campus of IIIT Srirangam TIRUCHIRAPPALLI, apart from the establishment of the foundation stone it has not been started yet. Mention the reasons for the same. \n4. Details about expenditure of our first semester fees and the reason for the non allocation of our official fee receipts. 19/02/2016 nil forwarded to IIIT- Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu. Hence disposed off. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
