1401 |
DOHED/R/2017/51416/2 |
nil |
I am a Class I gazetted officer (working with Defence Research and Development Organization, under MoD, Defence Civilian Employee) posted at Tezpur, Assam (North-East India). I am a domicile resident of the state of West Bengal and my permanent address is in Kolkata. My son who is 05 years old goes to a kindergarten school in Tezpur. I want to know that if my son passes his 10th and/or 12th board exam from any school in North-East, whether he is eligible to avail any quota offered to students of the North-East for granting admission in any institute of higher learning (IIM/IIT/Medical colleges/National Law Schools/Colleges under DU). |
24/04/2017 |
nil |
Disposed of Your RTI application Vide Latter No. 16-1/2017(RTI-37)-TS.V |
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nil |
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1402 |
DOHED/R/2017/51409/6 |
nil |
Information requested regarding Assests/ Properties as per books of accounts and also declared / observed by Physical Audit ( Seized/ surplus/ obsolete/disposable/ unserviceable/ waiting for written off) and assets declare in the following format in respect of all under control of your deptts/ unit/PSU/Undertaking/others[dot]
Category of Assets/property Original value Book Value Market/ Resale value
Plant & Machinery --- ---- -----
Vehicle (All Kinds) --- ---- -----
Tools & Equipemnt --- ---- -----
Spare Parts --- ---- -----
Computer &Peripherals --- ---- -----
Communication Equipts --- ---- -----
Office Equipment --- ---- -----
Raw Materials --- ---- -----
Stock of goods --- ---- -----
Furniture & Fixture --- ---- -----
Electric Equipts & Instalation --- ---- -----
Other Assets any kinds --- ---- -----
Total --- ---- -----
Note: Information may be supplied in Excel Sheet on mail biusma[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in |
24/04/2017 |
nil |
Disposed of your RTI application Vide Latter No. 16-1/2017(RTI-39)-TS.V |
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nil |
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nil |
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1403 |
DOHED/R/2017/51446/3 |
nil |
Date: 24/04/2017
Department of Higher Education
MHRD, Government of India
SHASTRI BHAWAN, New Delhi-110001
Subject: Request for Information under Right to information act 2005
Dear Sir,
Under the provisions of RTI act 2005, please provide the following information[dot]
(i) Please provide the list of teaching and non-teaching staffs of National Institute of Technology (NITs), Central Universities, Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIITs) having corruption charges[dot]
(ii) Please provide list of suicide students of UG, PG and Ph[dot] D Scholar in National Institute of Technology (NITs), Central Universities, Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIITs)[dot]
(iii) Please provide the list of complaints by students of UG, PG and Ph[dot] D Scholar against teaching /non-teaching staffs of National Institute of Technology (NITs), Central Universities, Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIITs)[dot]
I will pay the required amount for the above seeking information[dot]
Yours Sincerely
Nagendra Kumar Singh
C-16, Ground Floor (Near Kali Temple)
New Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110096
Contact No[dot] 9752864687
Email: nagendravns[at]gmail[dot]com |
24/04/2017 |
nil |
Reply attached. |
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nil |
nil |
nil |
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nil |
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1404 |
DOHED/R/2017/51378 |
nil |
The Central Public Information Officer
Sub:-Application seeking Information under RTI Act, 2005[dot]
It is requested to provide the following information under the RTI Act, 2005[dot]
(1) The number of students admitted in different categories in the IITs and IIMs
(a) Subject matter and details of information required in the form of questions which should be specific[dot]
Q[dot] No[dot] 1 - How many students/Teacher enter IITs and IIMs
Q[dot] No[dot] 2 - How many students/Teachers belong To different categories
(b) Period for the number of students is only last three years[dot][dot]
(2) Inspection is not sought[dot]
(3) Life and Liberty is not claimed[dot]
(4) reply should be given to me on my email id[dot]
In case the information is held by or related to another public authority, the application or such part of it as may be appropriate may be transferred to that other public authority under intimation to the undersigned as per Section 6(3) of RTI Act[dot]
Evidence of payment of Application fee of Rs[dot] 10/- and mode of payment[dot]
(i) online payment
Amit Dethe
183, Vinayak Layout, Tilak Ward,
Warora -442907 , Chandrapur
7218125201, 7566740582
amit[dot]dethe007[at]gmail[dot]com |
20/04/2017 |
nil |
Reply attached. |
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nil |
nil |
nil |
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nil |
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1405 |
DOHED/R/2017/51378/1 |
nil |
The Central Public Information Officer
Sub:-Application seeking Information under RTI Act, 2005[dot]
It is requested to provide the following information under the RTI Act, 2005[dot]
(1) The number of students admitted in different categories in the IITs and IIMs
(a) Subject matter and details of information required in the form of questions which should be specific[dot]
Q[dot] No[dot] 1 - How many students/Teacher enter IITs and IIMs
Q[dot] No[dot] 2 - How many students/Teachers belong To different categories
(b) Period for the number of students is only last three years[dot][dot]
(2) Inspection is not sought[dot]
(3) Life and Liberty is not claimed[dot]
(4) reply should be given to me on my email id[dot]
In case the information is held by or related to another public authority, the application or such part of it as may be appropriate may be transferred to that other public authority under intimation to the undersigned as per Section 6(3) of RTI Act[dot]
Evidence of payment of Application fee of Rs[dot] 10/- and mode of payment[dot]
(i) online payment
Amit Dethe
183, Vinayak Layout, Tilak Ward,
Warora -442907 , Chandrapur
7218125201, 7566740582
amit[dot]dethe007[at]gmail[dot]com |
20/04/2017 |
nil |
Disposed of your RTI application Vide Latter No. 16-1(RTI-29)/2017-TS.V |
View (link is external) |
nil |
nil |
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nil |
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1406 |
DOHED/R/2017/51360 |
nil |
Please inform me (i) the BOG members of IIT delhi, mumbai, madras,kharagpur, kanpur, guwahati, Roorkee.(ii) The date of their BOG meeting and the members present in the meeting and their designation . This data requires of last three years. Ist page of BOG may provide this information. |
20/04/2017 |
nil |
Reply attached. |
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nil |
nil |
nil |
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nil |
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1407 |
DOHED/R/2017/51353 |
nil |
Dear Public Information Officer (PIO),
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK).
I am here with requesting you the information related to the PhD admissions in the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) during the academic year 2014-2015 (i.e., July 2014 and December 2014 sessions) in the engineering discipline mainly core branches like civil (CIV), materials science (MSE), and mechanical engineering (ME). Please provide the details of the candidates appeared for the PhD interview and candidates who offered with PhD admission and who got registered with IIT Kanpur as a PhD student, til date. Please provide the information on their academic credentials like their previous degrees (Bachelors, Masters), percentage/CPI/grade points, school/college of graduation and affiliated university related details. In case if admissions were made through valid GATE score (i.e., graduate aptitude test in engineering) or any other national level entrance examination for direct PhD (i.e., candidate with bachelors in engineering (B.E, B.Tech) or masters in science (M.Sc) degree qualification) then please provide their corresponding score/percentile also.
Thank you,
Regards. |
19/04/2017 |
nil |
Reply attached. |
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nil |
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nil |
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nil |
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1408 |
DOHED/R/2017/80311/6 |
nil |
I am attaching written application for RTI. I request you that please see attached RTI application and do needful. Kindly communicate with me in Hindi language only. I will be eternally grateful to you for this grace. |
18/04/2017 |
nil |
Reply attached. |
View (link is external) |
nil |
nil |
nil |
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nil |
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1409 |
DOHED/R/2017/80310/6 |
nil |
I am attaching written application for RTI. I request you that please see attached RTI application and do needful. Kindly communicate with me in Hindi language only. I will be eternally grateful to you for this grace. |
18/04/2017 |
nil |
Disposed of your RTI application Vide Latter No. 16-1(RTI-21)/2017-TS.V |
View (link is external) |
nil |
nil |
nil |
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nil |
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1410 |
DOHED/R/2017/80312/6 |
nil |
I am attaching written application for RTI. I request you that please see attached RTI application and do needful. Kindly communicate with me in Hindi language only. I will be eternally grateful to you for this grace. |
18/04/2017 |
nil |
Disposed of your RTI application Vide Latter No. 16-1(RTI-22)/2017-TS.V |
View (link is external) |
nil |
nil |
nil |
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nil |
View |