Higher Education

Date Format DD/MM/YYYY
S. No. Request No Request Category Request Request Recevied Date Request Doc URL Request Reply Request Reply Doc URL Appeal Registration No Appeal Appeal Recevied Date Appeal Doc URL Appeal Reply Appeal Reply Doc URL
2171 DOHED/R/2016/51622 nil 1- Please refer to the case no as DESHE/E/2016/03663 , 03720 and 03883 these all are related to IIIT Allhabad [dot]Please provide me the certified copies of the details of the Action taken on these cases till date [dot]\n\n2- Please provide me the certified copies of the rules according to which IIIT Allhabad is not bound to implement the parliamentary law and under which law IIIT is not providing the TA, along with escort to the Person with Disabilities for attending the Interview for the post of Medical officer while there is same facility being provided at IITs , IISc and NITs all over the Nation then either its not a wrong practice to exclude the PwD from the main stream of the Nation building [dot] Details are required in certified for,m that under which rules my request for the TA along with an escort in line of IIT and NITs has been discarded and no action for providing the Disabled Friendly Interview venue and arrangement of lodging absolutely free of cost in the premises of IIIT Allahabad [dot]\n\n3- Please provide me the no of applications received from the candidates for the each and every job posts of the add having vacancy for the job posts of Medical officer in IIIT Allahabad along with qualification and post qualification experience [dot] Details are required in certified form along with the no of applicants , no of shortlisted candidates , no of candidates who had appeared in the Interview on 7th of May 2016 and out of those how many got selected along with marks secured in interview by each of the candidates [dot] Category wise details as Gen / SC/ST/OBC/ Person with Disabilities are needed here [dot]\n\n4- Please provide me the no of the job posts in group A , B , and C and out of those how many have been appointed under the categories of Person with Disabilities [dot]\n Details are required in certified form along with a duly certified copy of the 100 pint reservation roster as per the mandatory clause of DoPT in certified form duly certified by Liasion officer and initiative being adopted for filling up the backlog vacancies for the PwD as per the order of the Apex Court of India [dot]\n\n5- Please provide me the details of the Expenses on making the campus of IIIT Allahabad as Disabled friendly as per the Accessible India Campaign for the PwD along with the photos of accessible sites as per this National Campaign [dot]\n\n Please send me information at my email I D as niteshtripathi85[at]gmail[dot]com that not only save the sweat money pf Public but also very accessible for me as a PwD [dot] 08/05/2016 nil forward to IIIT- Allahabad. Hence disposed off. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2172 DOHED/R/2016/51646 nil I request for information under RTI Act 2005 on official visit records of Directors of IISER Pune, IISER Bhopal, IISER Mohali, IISER Kolkata and IISER Thiruvanathapuram since January 2008 until March 2016 including cost of each visit used from Govt. Money. 07/05/2016 nil Disposed of your RTI application vide latter No. 16-7/2016(RTI-182)-TS.V dated 14.06.2016 View (link is external) DOHED/A/2016/60294 Under RTI Act 2005, information was requested on official visit records of Directors of IISER Pune, IISER Bhopal, IISER Mohali, IISER Kolkata and IISER Thiruvanathapuram since January 2008 until March 2016 including cost of each visit used from Govt. Money. The RTI application was forwarded to all 5 IISERs on 15/06/2016. The applicant has received information from IISER Kolkata, IISER Pune and IISER Thiruvanathapuram. However, IISER Bhopal & IISER Mohali has failed to provide information till today which is beyond the 30 day timeline as per RTI Act 2005. Hence, the present appeal for providing information as requested or directions from MHRD to the concerned IISERs for the information. 18/07/2016 View (link is external) Reply is attached vide letter no. 39-29/2015-TS.VII dated 11.11.2016. View (link is external)
2173 DOHED/R/2016/51617/4 nil I request for information under RTI Act 2005 on present official vehicle model used by Directors of all IISERs, all IITs, all NITs and IISc Bangalore and respective purchase value during its last purchase. 07/05/2016 nil Disposed of your RTI application vide Latter No. 43/1/2016(RTI-24-181) dated 20/05/2016 View (link is external) DOHED/A/2016/60293 Under RTI Act 2005, information was requested on present official vehicle model used by Directors of all IISERs, all IITs, all NITs and IISc Bangalore and respective purchase value during its last purchase. The RTI application was forwarded to all 5 IISERs and IISc on 13/06/2016. The applicant has received information from IISER Kolkata, IISER Pune and IISER Mohali. However, IISER Bhopal, IISER Thiruvananthapuram and IISc Bangalore has failed to provide information till today which is beyond the 30 day timeline as per RTI Act 2005. Hence, the present appeal for providing information as requested or directions from MHRD to the concerned IISERs and IISc. 18/07/2016 View (link is external) Reply is attached vide letter no. 39-29/2015-TS.VII dated 11.11.2016. View (link is external)
2174 DOHED/R/2016/51620 nil Please provide the information on number of candidate belonging to scheduled cast below 370 rank in chemical engineering paper gate 2016. Please also provide the information on lowest rank secured by scheduled cast category student in gate 2016 chemical engineering paper 07/05/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2175 DOHED/R/2016/51619 nil Date: 09/5/16\nTo,\nPIO\nIIT KGP,\nKharagpur,\nWB\nIndia[dot]\nPin: 721302\n\nSubject: Application under RTI Act 2005[dot]\n\nDear Sir,\n\nUnder RTI Act 2005, please provide following info: \n\n1)I want to get copies of the processes, information, data and documents in form of software, hard copies or files, all projects and funds allocated, transaction made, utilization of those funds, email interactions, letters, all personal information and documents related to me and the same information for whomsoever is related to me through any relation[dot] \n2) Provide amount of funds received for me by IIT Kharagpur from govt, fees, and any other sources from 2010 to current clearly specifying source of funds[dot]\n3) Provide the list of projects and fund allocated for me between 2010 and current (both years inclusive) \n4) Please provide the details of any position or job held by me in any organisation and the organisational structure and position of others in the same organisation during 2010-current[dot]\n5) Provide the details of funds allocation to the people in the organisation (referred in the previous question) I am related to with their hierarchy and salaries and all the benefits they get through this organisation/system and the basis of distribution or evaluation for these benefits for these individuals from 2010-current[dot]\n6) Please provide how the organisation to be answered in point 4 is working across India and in foreign Universities and elsewhere with their name and how funds ,projects and benefits are allocated for me and people related to me through any relation and answer if there is a position for doing PhD available in those universities for me[dot][dot]\n7) Please provide the name and the software containing information related to me and login ID and password if generated for me[dot]\n8) Please provide complete background and information of how the system or organisation mentioned in point 4 is linked or based on religion if it is and how it operates and through which people[dot] \nIf this does not fall in your department, kindly transfer it to appropriate authority in 5 business days u/s 6(3) of RTI Act 2005 marking a copy to me[dot]\nI submit that this information is not confidential u/s 8 or 11 of RTI Act 2005[dot]\nPlease sign and stamp all pages while responding to this RTI[dot] Please do not provide URLs or web links[dot] \nWhile responding, please provide me name, email and contact of PIO and appellate authority which is now mandatory under RTI Act 2005[dot]\n\nSachin Mishra\nVoter ID No: RXM2416584\nM[dot] Tech: IIT Kharagpur\nBatch: 2012-2014\nRoll No: 12MT61R29\nPhD Enrolled: 2015 Autumn Semester\nRoll No: 15MT91R05\nMobile No: 7275714830\nE Mail: sachinmishra351[at]gmail[dot]com\nAddress: House No: 2/757\nAdil Nagar, Ring Road,\nKalyanpur,\nLucknow, UP\nPin: 226022 07/05/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2176 DOHED/R/2016/51617/3 nil I request for information under RTI Act 2005 on present official vehicle model used by Directors of all IISERs, all IITs, all NITs and IISc Bangalore and respective purchase value during its last purchase. 07/05/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2177 DOHED/R/2016/80515/7 nil pl supply information as per attachment 06/05/2016 nil Disposed of your RTI application visde latter No. 16-7/2016(RTI-274)-TS.V dated 21.7.2016 View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2178 DOHED/R/2016/51594 nil Please provide the basis on which Arvind Kejriwal (Present Chief Minister of Delhi) got admission to IIT Kharagpur. Also please provide his All India Ranking in the competitive entrance exams like JEE 06/05/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2179 DOHED/R/2016/51593 nil Applicant wants to know year wise and category wise drop of percentage of students from IIT. 06/05/2016 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
2180 DOHED/R/2016/51582 nil Date 6 May 2016\n\nIm a student in Indian Institute of Information Technology Vadodara (IIITV) and any information about following issues directly affect my academic as well as non-academic growth. So, I request concerned authorities to give the information with relevant evidences (if required to prove the correctness of the same).\n\n1. What is the plan for student residence from next academic session 2016 - 2017.\n\n2. What were the complains raised to the Government from the student side regarding the IIITV Hostels in Pethapur.\n\n3. What were the actions taken from the Government/ higher authorities to address those complains. 06/05/2016 nil forwarded to IIIT- Vadodara. Hence, disposed off. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
