1481 |
DOHED/R/2017/80188/1 |
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1) Are autonomous institutions eligible to restrict the employee to apply for outside employment by issuing an internal order and without giving any possible ground of denial as according to Office Memorandum 28011/1/2013-Estt(C) dated 23 Dec 2013 by DoPT every employee has right to apply for outside employment and cannot be denied without providing suitable grounds as enlisted in section 6 of memorandum.
2) According to TIER-4 salary structure of faculties of NITs and IITs, 6000 and 7000 AGP are not regular cadre of faculties of NITs and IITs but are purely contractual. Is any employee which lie in aforesaid AGPs be treated as contractual employee while applying for outside employment. If yes, then according to section 3 and subsection a) of memorandum of DoPT, by denying any contractual employee for applying for outside employment is superseding of the memorandum.
3) According to TIER-4 salary structure of NITs and IITs, there is provision of probation period. Is this probation period is included in three year contractual period or is it apart from it.
Suitable documents have been attached for assistance. |
08/03/2017 |
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Reply attached. |
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1482 |
DOHED/R/2017/80184 |
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Kindly provide following information with respect to constitution of Technical Expert Committee for ongoing Central Water Commission study of Water Resources Assessment of the country using space inputs for all the basins of the country.
1. Kindly give details of credentials of Chairman and members of this Technical Expert Committee in water resources assessment in their career so far.
2. Kindly give details of contribution of all of these members of this Technical Expert Committee members in international journals involving water resources assessment. Which member amongst this Technical Expert Committee is world renowned and recognized by the worldwide for contribution to Water Resources Assessment anywhere on the planet.
2.a) Does MoWR, RD & GR has any details of the credentials of all these members of this Technical Expert Committee.
2.b) Kindly give me the basis/criteria by which members are selected for this Technical Expert Committee.
2. c) Is this selection based on Jan-Pehchaan of officials of MoWR, RD & GR.
3. Which member amongst this Technical Expert Committee has not even contributed any work related to water resources in any of the journals in both national and international so far. If no information is available, whether this expert committee is sub-standard committee.
4. Give details of contribution of Prof. P.P.Mujumdar, IISc, Bengaluru in the area of water resources assessment so far. Give details of his scholarly articles internationally recognized so far.
5. Give details of the consultancy works carried out by Prof P.P.Mujumdar in IISc, Bengaluru. What is the total worth in Rs of such consultancy being carried by Prof P.P.Mujumdar. Who are all the agencies who have benefited by consultancy works being carried by Prof P.P.Mujumdar.
6. Give details of benefits accrued to various water problems of India as a result of any outstanding achievements of Prof P.P.Mujumdar. Whether Bengaluru has been benefited out of such achievements
7. Indian Institute of Science is worlds 200 ranking institute. Give details of contribution of this institute in the field of water resources in India. Give details how much Karnataka has been benefited by such contribution of Indian Institute of Science in the field of water resources. How much Bengaluru has been benefitted out of its contributions.
As a citizen of India, I have the right to know this Technical Expert Committee. So, please provide me the requisite information in a month.
Yours sincerely. |
07/03/2017 |
nil |
Disposed of Your RTI application Vide latter No. 43-04/2017-TS.VII dated 03.04.2017 |
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1483 |
DOHED/R/2017/50776 |
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Question No 1 : As per the 6th Pay Commission, what will be pay fixation on promotion of an employee who is promoted from GP 4200 to GP 4600 in the pay band 9300-34800. Very especially, while calculating the fixation by adding 3% increment to the present pay in the band, if it is less than the minimum pay in pay band of promoted position, what will be the pay fixation on promotion. For example, after adding the 3% increment, if the amount arrives to Rs. 11940, obviously it is less than the minimum pay in pay band of GP 4600 ie Rs. 12540. Hence, what will be his pay fixation on promotion, Rs. 11940 with GP 4600 or Rs. 12540 with GP 4600.
Question No 2 : As per the 6th Pay commission, If a term called - higher pay band - is used anywhere in 6th CPC, can it be taken into account to differential the pay band 9300-34800 with GP 4200 and 9300-34800 with GP 4600 |
07/03/2017 |
nil |
The information purported to be sought by you is, in fact, a hypothetical situation seeking opinion of CPIO which is not covered in the ambit of RTI Act, 2005. The applicant may, however, refer to the websites of Department of Expenditure and Department of Personnel & Training for getting replies to his specific queries. The RTI application stands disposed of accordingly. |
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1484 |
DOHED/R/2017/50778/2 |
nil |
Please find the attachment |
07/03/2017 |
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Reply attached. |
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1485 |
DOHED/R/2017/50739/2 |
nil |
1) Please give the official twitter handle of the ministry.
2) Please give the date on which this twitter handle come into existence.
3) Please give the official facebook account id of the ministry.
4) Please give the date on which this account come into existence.
5) Please give the twitter handle of minister
6) Please give the date on which this twitter handle come into existence.
7) Has the ministry employed a firm/ private concern/ consultant to operate twitter handle of minister, twitter handle of ministry and facebook account. If yes, please provide the name.
8) When was the contract awarded to the firm/ private concern/ consultant for this purpose and for how long. Please provide the dates/ months and year.
9) Please provide a copy of the agreement or contract entered into.
10) Please provide the terms of reference for the firm/ private concern/ consultant for this purpose.
11) Please provide the financial amount in rupees for which the contract has been awarded.
12) Please provide names and designations of all members of the team that is handling this social media initiative of the ministry.
If this matter does not fall under your purview, please transfer it to the concerned public authority under Section 6 (3) of RTI Act. |
04/03/2017 |
nil |
Information replied vide letter No. F.No.3-5/2010-S&S(Pt.) dated 3 April, 2017. The information in respect of S&S Section may be treated as NIL. |
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1486 |
DOHED/R/2017/50739 |
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1) Please give the official twitter handle of the ministry.
2) Please give the date on which this twitter handle come into existence.
3) Please give the official facebook account id of the ministry.
4) Please give the date on which this account come into existence.
5) Please give the twitter handle of minister
6) Please give the date on which this twitter handle come into existence.
7) Has the ministry employed a firm/ private concern/ consultant to operate twitter handle of minister, twitter handle of ministry and facebook account. If yes, please provide the name.
8) When was the contract awarded to the firm/ private concern/ consultant for this purpose and for how long. Please provide the dates/ months and year.
9) Please provide a copy of the agreement or contract entered into.
10) Please provide the terms of reference for the firm/ private concern/ consultant for this purpose.
11) Please provide the financial amount in rupees for which the contract has been awarded.
12) Please provide names and designations of all members of the team that is handling this social media initiative of the ministry.
If this matter does not fall under your purview, please transfer it to the concerned public authority under Section 6 (3) of RTI Act. |
04/03/2017 |
nil |
Please find attachment herewith. |
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1487 |
DOHED/R/2017/80170 |
nil |
I had applied an application at IIT Kanpur for the post of REO on 7 Nov 2017 But I could not get any acknowledgement till now even I asked to DORD of IIT Kanpur here I would like to ask that could I get the right information regarding the REO application process
my application details is given below,
Application Number 1125
Advertisement No: REO/R&D/2016/01 Post Applied
Pramod K Sharma |
02/03/2017 |
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Reply attached. |
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1488 |
DOHED/R/2017/50657 |
nil |
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am CEO of a company, working in semiconductor industry and part of a Talent Committee formed by India Electronics and semiconductor Association (IESA), to address the skill development challenges. We work with ESSCI (electornics Sector Skill Council), ministry of skill development.
As part of this role, i woul d like to get below data to help me understanding the spending and assess the outcome.
how many students were paid scholarship who are pursuing M.tech program with GATE qualified for FY 2015-16
How much is the amount for FY 2015-16
Kindly let me know, if you need any further details from my side. |
28/02/2017 |
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Reply attached. |
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1489 |
DOHED/R/2017/50680/2 |
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The information sought is as follows.
Whether the posts of Assistant Registrar and Assistant Professor in IITs, NITs, IISERs, NISERs, and other autonomous institutes are gazetted or not. |
28/02/2017 |
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IISERs are autonomous bodies under the NITSER Act, 2007 and are under the purview of Management Division. Only those posts, appointment to which are notified in the Gazette of India are gazetted posts. No posts in the autonomous bodies are notified in the Gazette of India and hence they are not gazetted.
If not satisfied with the reply, you may contact the First appellate authority: Ms. Rina Sonowal Kouli, Director(Management), Room No. 419 A, C Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. |
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1490 |
DOHED/R/2017/50655 |
nil |
Hello Sir,
I want to know following things:
1. What are the basis of providing Stipend to MTech HTTA student in joining and when stipend will be cancelled.
2. What are the basis of providing Stipend to MTech HTTA student after 1st semester.
3. whom should student complaint if they are doing 8 hr of TA duty and institute is not providing full stipend.
4. Why MTech student of IIT Bombay and IISC are allowed to do Industrial training but not in IIT Madras.
5. Why Mess fee is compulsory in IIT Madras even if they do not want to have food because of bad quality even in other iits it is not compulsory or based on number of day they take food.
6. Why mess is in control of Student in IIT Bombay and IIT Kanpur but not in IIT Madras. |
28/02/2017 |
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Reply attached. |
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