Higher Education

Date Format DD/MM/YYYY
S. No. Request No Request Category Request Request Recevied Date Request Doc URL Request Reply Request Reply Doc URL Appeal Registration No Appeal Appeal Recevied Date Appeal Doc URL Appeal Reply Appeal Reply Doc URL
1501 DOHED/R/2017/50534 nil This request for information is regarding MTech Scholarships in AICTE approved and Centrally Funded Technical Institutions under the Ministry of Human Resource Development. Thus I request you to kindly refer to the notice F.NO.17-2/2014-TS.I (MHRD) copy of which I have also attached. I am in the 5th and last year of my BTech MTech Dual Degree at IIT Delhi entered through JEE 2012. According to this notice I should be getting the scholarship this academic year 2016-17 had I qualified GATE. And I have in fact qualified GATE 2016 and thus started getting the scholarship from July 2016 i.e. 1st semester of 2016-17. But for this semester (2nd semester of 16-17) IITD is stopping the scholarship to all those students whose SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) last semester wasnt above 7 and probably redirecting the money received from MHRD to other points. We are Dual degree students and thus get scholarship only for 1 year which is the last year of our degree (also the year in which we do our MTech Projects). My questions are: 1) Is it in IIT Delhis jurisdiction to stop the MHRDs MTech scholarship to GATE qualified Dual Degree students in their 2nd PG semester (which is the 2nd semester of their 5th and last year of their BTech MTech Degree), just after giving the scholarship for only 1 semester, based on any SGPA criteria in the 1st semester 2) Does MHRD approve IIT Delhi of this 3) Is IIT Delhi getting the scholarship amount for such dual degree students whom IITD has decided not to provide 4) If IIT Delhi is getting those funds meant for such dual degree students (whose IITD has decided to stop the scholarship), then where are those funds going Even in the notice it is mentioned that the fellowship in the slab after 2 years of research experience may be provided after successful assessment by the Review Committee constituted by the Head of the Institution and not just after one semester. It is another thing that dual degree students are anyways entitled to the scholarship for 1 year. 15/02/2017 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
1502 DOHED/R/2017/80133 nil Application under RTI act Information required under RTI act 1. Amount collected as Secondary and Higher Education Cess from the date of imposition of cess till the date of providing information 2. Amount collected as Secondary and Higher Education Cess utilized from the date of imposition of cess till the date of providing information 3. Amount collected as Secondary and Higher Education Cess unutilized from the date of imposition of cess till the date of providing information 15/02/2017 nil The information regarding Secondary and Higher Education Cess is not available with IFD, D/o Higher Education, MHRD as that is collected by the D/o Revenue / CBDT under Ministry of Finance. Hence, You are, therefore, requested to contact that Department for obtaining the requisite information. View nil nil nil View nil View
1503 DOHED/R/2017/80132/2 nil 6) Every year How much of the fund allocated as subsidies for Agriculture, Education and Medical by Central govt 14/02/2017 nil So far as point no.6 is concerned, in D/o Higher Education, under Student Financial Aid, allocation on Interest Subsidy and Contribution for Guarantee Funds in the BE 2016-17 was Rs.1950 crore which was revised to Rs.1850 crore under RE 2016-17. View nil nil nil View nil View
1504 DOHED/R/2017/50533 nil Sir, Please clarify if a person is pursuing his M.tech with GATE scholarship in some private institute now he want to do their M.tech from iit with another gate score whether he is eligible to receive GATE scholarship again if he decides to take admission in another Mtech course in GATE category.Please also mention relevant documents which are required for taking admission. 14/02/2017 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
1505 DOHED/R/2017/50502 nil Kindly provide me with the following information requested under the purview of the Right to Information Act 2005 1. Inform whether any policy or scheme ( is made or in force for internships, fellowships, consultancy assignments in any department/office of your organization. Also provide 1.1 Details of such policy or scheme for each department or office along with a copy. 1.2 In point 1.1 provide details separately for Internship, Fellowship and Consultancy positions. 2. Provide the total number of interns, fellows and consultants appointed in year 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. Also state 2.1 The mode of appointment of persons i.e. whether by selection or nomination and by whom. 2.2 The details of selection procedure i.e. whether written test or interview or both or other methods. 2.3 Was any preliminary screening of application conducted. Provide the list of selection criteria adopted. 2.4 Criteria applicable for renewal of service or engagement contracts of Consultants. 2.5 Names & Designation of Consultants whose contracts have been renewed continuously for 3 and 5 years or more. 2.6 Provide statistics relating to selection ratio of Interns, Fellows and Consultants. Provide all the information requested under point 2 separately for each year. 3. Provide the total number of positions sanctioned, actually filled and vacant for Internship, Fellowship and Consultants and the number of applicants for each position. Mention separately 3.1 Provide information separately for each year i.e. 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. 4. Inform as below 4.1 Total amount of money paid per month or annually as stipend, honorarium & fee to intern, fellow or consultant, along with amount spent on training in each department. 4.2 In 4.1, provide total amount separately for each year i.e. 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 and for each department. 5. Inform as below 5.1 Which officers with Name & Rank, are empowered to frame policy for internship, fellowship or consultancy assignments in each office or department. 5.2 Provide copy of agreement or employment bond signed by intern, fellow or consultant. 5.3 Provide copy of instructions, directions issued by PMO, DOPT or courts in respect of internship, fellowship and consultancy projects. 6. Inform whether vacancies for such positions as mentioned in 3 advertised over Internet website, newspapers or otherwise. 6.1 Specify the rules applicable for making vacancies notified through Government Departments and Private Organizations. 6.2 Name of department which handles publicity of advertisements and maintenance of content on websites. 13/02/2017 nil Please find attachment herewith. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
1506 DOHED/R/2017/50500 nil Kindly provide us with the following information requested under the purview of the Right to Information Act 2005 1. Inform whether any policy or scheme ( is made or in force for internships, fellowships, consultancy assignments in any department/office of your organization. Also provide 1.1 Details of such policy or scheme for each department or office along with a copy. 1.2 In point 1.1 provide details separately for Internship, Fellowship and Consultancy positions. 2. Provide the total number of interns, fellows and consultants appointed in year 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. Also state 2.1 The mode of appointment of persons i.e. whether by selection or nomination and by whom. 2.2 The details of selection procedure i.e. whether written test or interview or both or other methods. 2.3 Was any preliminary screening of application conducted. Provide the list of selection criteria adopted. 2.4 Criteria applicable for renewal of service or engagement contracts of Consultants. 2.5 Names & Designation of Consultants whose contracts have been renewed continuously for 3 and 5 years or more. 2.6 Provide statistics relating to selection ratio of Interns, Fellows and Consultants. Provide all the information requested under point 2 separately for each year. 3. Provide the total number of positions sanctioned, actually filled and vacant for Internship, Fellowship and Consultants and the number of applicants for each position. Mention separately 3.1 Provide information separately for each year i.e. 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. 4. Inform as below 4.1 Total amount of money paid per month or annually as stipend, honorarium & fee to intern, fellow or consultant, along with amount spent on training in each department. 4.2 In 4.1, provide total amount separately for each year i.e. 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 and for each department. 5. Inform as below 5.1 Which officers with Name & Rank, are empowered to frame policy for internship, fellowship or consultancy assignments in each office or department. 5.2 Provide copy of agreement or employment bond signed by intern, fellow or consultant. 5.3 Provide copy of instructions, directions issued by PMO, DOPT or courts in respect of internship, fellowship and consultancy projects. 6. Inform whether vacancies for such positions as mentioned in 3 advertised over Internet website, newspapers or otherwise. 6.1 Specify the rules applicable for making vacancies notified through Government Departments and Private Organizations. 6.2 Name of department which handles publicity of advertisements and maintenance of content on websites. 13/02/2017 nil Please find attachment herewith. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
1507 DOHED/R/2017/50506 nil 1. What was the amount of funding provided by the government in each of the year from 2010 to 2017 to each of the IITs(Indian Institutes of Technology). Please provide yearwise data for the aforementioned years. 2. How much of these government funds were used for research purposes in each IIT in each of the the aforementioned years. 13/02/2017 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
1508 DOHED/R/2017/50513/1 nil Please provide me the list of qualified candidates in JEE main and JEE advanced in the years 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 and 2012 with the board in which they were enrolled in class XII. Only rank and board name will suffice. Thank you. 12/02/2017 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
1509 DOHED/R/2017/50457 nil Respected sir/madam I Amrendra Rai, s/o Mr[dot]S[dot]N[dot] Rai, is a Research scholar in the Department of Ceramic Enginering, IIT-BHU Varanasi[dot]I want to seek information as mentioned below[dot] I want to know what is the rule of HRA (House Rent Allowances) for research scholar if both husband and wife are doing research from the same institution[dot] It is very clear that in case of a central government employee,where both husband and wife are working in same institution,both are entitled for HRA[dot] In fact the married research scholars are also getting HRA [at] 20% (As per MHRD rules for HRA based on classification of cities under X,Y and Z categories,varanasi comes under Y category[dot]) But the rule is not clear for the case when both husband and wife are doing research from the same institution[dot] It is my humble request to clarify the the rules or norms for the above mentioned case[dot] 09/02/2017 nil Reply attached. View (link is external) DOHED/A/2017/60089 As per my information asked regarding HRA rules for research scholars , through RTI registration no DOHED/R/2017/50457. I came to know that no information is available in this office i.e. no information available in this regard at CPIO IIT (BHU) Varanasi.Kindly guide me and help me to know the rules. 20/03/2017 View Reply attached. View (link is external)
1510 DOHED/R/2017/50458/1 nil 1.Please provide me the 1974 order issued by the MHRD/AICTE on exemption from reservation in teaching jobs or faculty positions issued to the School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi. 2.Please provide me the 1975 order No. F, 17-1/74-T.6 which issued by the MHRD/AICTE on the exemption of reservations in teaching jobs or faculty positions issued to the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad. 3.Please provide me the full copy of new IIM 2017 BILL and IIIT BILL 2017. 4.Please provide me any order of MHRD/AICTE on the exemption of reservations in the teaching and non-teaching positions issued to the Indian Institute of Technologys and Indian Institute of Managements. 5.Please provide me the number of faculty positions and non-faculty positions of GN, OBC, SC, ST, PWD in all IITs with sanctioned intake and vacancies according to year wise from the establishment/functioning of all IITs. 6.Please provide me the number of faculty positions and non-faculty positions of GN, OBC, SC, ST, PWD in all Central universities with sanctioned intake and vacancies according to year wise from the establishment/functioning of all central universities. 09/02/2017 nil Disposed of your RTI application Vide latter no. 16/3(RTI-5)/2017-TS. View (link is external) nil nil nil View nil View
